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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 20, 2007
As an appreciative fan of the once-available NetShare, I was happy to see that the torch was passed to iProxy, if you happen to be a developer or can get your UDID registered with one.

Anyone familiar with both apps know that while it works to a certain extent, it was missing out on some key features. I went around and asked some more adept developers to see if they could add multitasking (the proxy connection ended as soon as you hit the Home button), to no avail.

It so happened that I stumbled upon the homepage of iProxy again, and noticed a new version number, 2.0, but practically nothing in the release notes other than a "new readme file." Last update was September 25.

I downloaded the code, built the app and installed it on my device. Lo and behold, it really earned that new version number!

  • HTTP proxy support. Not just a SOCKS5 proxy, but an HTTP proxy, too! Don't ask me what's the difference, it still works in Safari.
  • Universal or Retina Display support! I can only tell from the various PNG filenames such as Icon-72.png, Icon-Small-50.png, Icon-Small.png, Icon @ 2x.png, and so on, but when I launched the app, it's definitely high-resolution.

Multitasking on iOS4? I'm not certain of this, as I did the test of exiting the app a couple times, and it still pulled pages in on Safari... I'll get back to you on that.

One of the things that it lost was the bandwidth counter, probably because it wasted precious CPU cycles when it was in the background.

Overall, it's a great alternative to tethering without having to jailbreak your iOS device.

Not affiliated with software or developer.
Well, it looks like the devs might have jumped the gun on this version.

While multitasking DOES work (yay!), the program just seems to die after a while for no apparent reason, requiring a manual shut down of the app (via double-click Home button) and restarting it.

I'm back to 1.0.1 until they fix it.
Well, it looks like the devs might have jumped the gun on this version.

While multitasking DOES work (yay!), the program just seems to die after a while for no apparent reason, requiring a manual shut down of the app (via double-click Home button) and restarting it.

I'm back to 1.0.1 until they fix it.

Besides it crashing and glitching it is much slower than 1.01. DL speeds are probably 1/2 than what 1.01 was running. Too bad I can't get back onto 1.01 as I don't have a developer account. Someone sent me an adhoc.
Where can I download the .xcodeproject file for version 1.0? I have the 2.0 at the moment.
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