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How much would you pay for a good IRC client on the iPhone?

  • 1.99

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • 2.99

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • 3.99

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • 4.99

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5.99

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • 6.99

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 10, 2008

I am currently in development of a yet-unnamed IRC application that I hope to release within a reasonable time frame (I am still waiting to be accepted by Apple and have a few more weeks of programming left).

As of right now, I have not heard of any other IRC applications announced and I have not seen any appear on the app store.

From my research, I gather that this application would be in relatively moderate-high demand. However, I am still not quite sure what price the market would bare.

How much would you be willing to spend on a good IRC application that is well tested and will be supported in the future with updates?

I am only looking for a vague price discussion right now. I'm not ready to post any details about the application.

Thank you,

define irc please?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is a chat protocol that has been in use for more than a decade.

You use an IRC client to connect to one or more IRC servers. Once connected, you can join any number of existing channels or create your own channel. Inside a channel you can talk with others who are also connected to that server and channel.

IRC servers are free to use (i don't know of any that charge you to use it, at least).
people still use irc?

i used to use it extensively back in my college days because that's all we had with dial up :) , 13+ years ago, however i'm surprised people still use it today
sorry mate i dont use chat rooms lol but if i did make an app i would make a messanger app like adium for iphone and stable mobilechat very UNSTABLE got tons of downloads so you should make a messanger with support for alot of messangers like the ones in adium

people still use irc?

i used to use it extensively back in my college days because that's all we had with dial up :) , 13+ years ago, however i'm surprised people still use it today

A lot of people I know, including myself of course, still use IRC extensively. Just moved networks. Used to use Dalnet till they went down the shudder.

sorry mate i dont use chat rooms lol but if i did make an app i would make a messanger app like adium for iphone and stable mobilechat very UNSTABLE got tons of downloads so you should make a messanger with support for alot of messangers like the ones in adium

I will keep that in mind. I still plan to finish this IRC application, however.
Colloq & Pricing

At second look, it appears Colloq is a jailbreak app and the developer is not actively looking to port it to the App Store.

Until that changes, it looks like I'm still the only announced IRC client developer for the iPhone that I am aware of.

Right now, i'm teetering between pricing ideas.

I don't want to charge any less than 1.99 for my work but I also don't want to charge more than 6.99.
I will keep that in mind. I still plan to finish this IRC application, however.

make an irc app for like popular games i suggest world of warcraft or an irc app for multiple games/ topics make landscape mode a option too in each section make new chats availble to be made

make an irc app for like popular games i suggest world of warcraft or an irc app for multiple games/ topics make landscape mode a option too in each section make new chats availble to be made

Thanks for the ideas. I've considered and am implementing some of them.

I'm not releasing too many details about the application yet because I don't want any unscrupulous developers taking the ideas. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The least any developer can do is come up with them on their own ^_^

I've had a project stolen from me before (not on iPhone) so that is why I am weary.
I'm not releasing too many details about the application yet because I don't want any unscrupulous developers taking the ideas. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The least any developer can do is come up with them on their own ^_^
An idea is worth absolutely nothing until you actually implement it.

Also I find it funny you made a thread going "Give me ideas for this!" but refuse to give any information as to what you're doing. It's impossible to provide an accurate estimate for pricing if you're refusing to give out any sort of details about the app. It might be the best piece of coding ever and worth $999.99 (highly doubtful), or it could be worse then TripLog/1040 and not worth paying for (infinitely more likely).

And if you'd look at Colloquy's trac, you would see that the dev is working on a mobile version of Colloquy. And that's open source. aka: no "wah wah my ideas are absolutely brilliant, you're not worthy enough to read what they are though."
I think that Flagship Industries should make a Ventrilo app for the iPhone. I know so many people who use Ventrilo for more than just in-game communication, and I would DEFINITELY use it. Push a button on the screen for push to talk, and that would be amazing! It could use the headset mic and the built in mic (a.k.a second iPhone speaker) to talk, and even use the speakerphone! That would be an awesome app. IF only we could contact them...
I am currently in development of a yet-unnamed IRC application that I hope to release within a reasonable time frame (I am still waiting to be accepted by Apple and have a few more weeks of programming left).
First off, if you haven't even been accepted to the not-free developer program, plan on doing a little more than "a few more weeks of programming". Not waiting to be accepted, but a little more development. The whole actually running programs on the phone thing and all.

Secondly, I guess you missed on this forum alone.

As of right now, I have not heard of any other IRC applications announced and I have not seen any appear on the app store.
The biggest reason by far is because of the background limitation set by Apple, second reason is that even if it didn't run in the background, battery life would suck HARD. So who knows, maybe someone's not working on that because of one or both reasons..or because someone might be wanting to wait until they can take advantage of push notification...

Also, let me just say this, for kicks: I'm working on an IRC app for iPhone, and I, unlike you, was accepted into the iphone dev program by apple months ago. Unfortunately for you, you have no idea exactly how serious I am about that statement. That's just how empty your statement is to me right now...

How much would you be willing to spend on a good IRC application that is well tested and will be supported in the future with updates?
I'm teetering on zero. There were three excellent IRC clients that were free for jailbroken phones, not to mention the availability of irssi. Unfortunately I see no such option in your poll. Also you can't even begin to define "well tested" and "supported in the future with updates" unless you already have a track record proving this.

I am only looking for a vague price discussion right now. I'm not ready to post any details about the application.
"IRC application" pretty much says it all.

At second look, it appears Colloq is a jailbreak app and the developer is not actively looking to port it to the App Store.
Ohhh yes he is, he started a while ago. He's also the developer of Colloquy, the desktop IRC client for OS X. Check out the trac link NoOneButMe so conveniently links in this thread.

Until that changes, it looks like I'm still the only announced IRC client developer for the iPhone that I am aware of.
He has code in svn right now. Meanwhile, you're not even showing us any screenshots. I can't tell you if it's worthless or worth even like $100 to me. I am a die hard IRC user and having a native IRC client on my iPhone would rock, but again...I can't make a price judgment until I see some of the goods.

make an irc app for like popular games i suggest world of warcraft or an irc app for multiple games/ topics make landscape mode a option too in each section make new chats availble to be made

deriko100, I don't think you understand the idea of IRC.

I'm not releasing too many details about the application yet because I don't want any unscrupulous developers taking the ideas. Ideas are a dime a dozen. The least any developer can do is come up with them on their own ^_^
I can understand this, but if it was such a concern, why not ask just before you're about to submit your app to the app store? Again, IRC application pretty much says it all, and at this point it's just how fast you finish and get into the well as what kind of features you have..that makes all the difference.
Me personally, I can't wait for an iPhone IRC client. I'd easily pay 5 bucks.


I will apologize. It seems I made some mistakes in what i've said in this post and have had some misunderstandings that are sorted out now I believe.

I also may not have been entirely clear; what I *wanted* to say maybe wasn't what I *actually* said.

When I was referring to Colloq, I was referring to their home page news that states: " I've been considering ways to make a viable IRC client available through the App Store, but that is a back-burner project for now." (

It seems I was wrong and that they are bringing it to the app store.

I also know that ideas are worth nothing and I am aware that apps that run in the simulator don't always run on the device. I suppose I underestimated the length of time it takes to fix such bugs if any were to indeed exist.

As far as a track record, I have one but It isn't directly provable. By that, I mean I could give references and you could ask them (corporate references) but I have not released an app to the general public before so I have no public track record of users floating around the web that can attest to my capabilities.

I also recognize that there are only so many ways to implement an IRC client and that in time there will likely be a few clients out there and most definitely a free one at some point.

In regards to the poll, I left out the option of free because I figured if a viewer would not pay for the app, they would simply not participate in the poll.

I am not new to development in general but I am new to mobile device programming. This is my first project.

Please forgive me for any misunderstandings in this post. It was not my attention to offend anyone, misrepresent myself, or steer people away from my apps and I hope that all of you will look into my planned apps, free and paid, in the future at which time they are released.

Thank you,
Please forgive me for any misunderstandings in this post. It was not my attention to offend anyone, misrepresent myself, or steer people away from my apps and I hope that all of you will look into my planned apps, free and paid, in the future at which time they are released.

Sweet. Now that we ironed out our misunderstandings over aim, I wish you good luck :)
I had been eagerly looking forward to one, but since I got the "WinAdmin" app I noticed that actually does a much better job at IRC than any IRC app could. I can now just run mIRC on a computer and then rdesktop in to interact with it any time I want. On the other hand if I had an IRC app, I imagine that it'd be constantly disconnecting/reconnecting me because it wouldn't be allowed to run in the background. So while I would have paid good money for an IRC app a few weeks ago, I don't need one anymore now because I can just use WinAdmin for it.
LOL Big surprise that the lowest possible price is the most popular. The problem with this kind of poll is the lowest price will always win. The only thing that could have got more votes would have been free. Sorry if this has been said but I only voted and didn't read any of this thread.
Am I missing something or wouldn't the majority of people that use IRC have jailbroken phones and use one of the options available there?
Good points

LOL Big surprise that the lowest possible price is the most popular. The problem with this kind of poll is the lowest price will always win. The only thing that could have got more votes would have been free. Sorry if this has been said but I only voted and didn't read any of this thread.

Agreed. I'm not making this the definitive answer, I just thought a poll wouldn't hurt.

Am I missing something or wouldn't the majority of people that use IRC have jailbroken phones and use one of the options available there?

I have never jailbroken a device, mobile or otherwise. I have yet to see a reason to - even my iPhone does everything I need it to do (and expanding every day) with the exception of a few annoyances I can ignore. Most of those annoyances will be fixed when push notification is released, assuming apps that would benefit from it actually implement it.

I believe I have come up with a solution that would appeal to those who do not jailbreak their phones. I do agree, however, that those who have jailbroken their phones will probably use any number of alternative apps.

Thanks for your input everyone.
Post some screen shots. Needs to be a bit better than iRCm if I wanted to buy, I'd pay a max of $3 for the app since I can already get one for free.
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