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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2022
I'm in 12.3.1 currently, it drains my battery very fast, while battery-life is good in 12.1/12.2.x
So I want to update to 12.4 beta to see if 12.4 has fix it.
I wanna know is 12.4 beta4 worth updating? Are there any known bugs?
My device is MBP 13' 2019
Thanks for your reply.


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
My view: Rather than pursuing nebulous hopes with a beta, you need to discover why your battery is draining and fix that.

Having said that, beta 4 runs fine on my 2016 MacBook. Just remember the purpose of a beta cycle is to find and fix bugs - so you should expect unknown bugs which become known and later fixed.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
in theory (not always in practice), each new beta should be squashing bugs, fine-tuning things... and leading us to that 'pefect' moment of an official release.

this beta fixed my bluetooth issue from the previous 2 betas (where my 3rd-party devices had trouble connecting and staying connected). still, this morning i couldn't open Pages (until a reboot), and yesterday i got a kernel panic.

so, a beta is a beta; but if you're in the beta program, it's usually a good idea to move on to the next iteration, and hopefully see improvements, fixes...
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