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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
Ordered one about 3 weeks ago and was given a date of 19-26 November and here we are 20th and still no progress

Never ordered a product where it didn’t come on first day.
Interesting since I just ordered my iPad with folio case a couple days ago from Verizon and they’re coming tomorrow. Try Verizon
Order from Verizon!

Got iPad from apple Sunday and keyboard was out of stock. Walked next door to Verizon and ordered, at my house Tuesday
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They have them at B&H.

I went to my local Bestbuy and Apple Store and they are sold out of them. For what its worth, the Apple Store told me that out of the two new iPads the 12.9 model was the more popular model and that’s the reason for the shortage of keyboards. I’m not necessarily sure how true that is, but I thought I’d share.

Rmcnelly is correct. B&H had them in stock. I ordered one and they overnighted it to me with free shipping.
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Both my local Apple store and BB are sold out of them as well. I ordered it from and they'll have it here by Monday.
Went to the Apple Store in a mall about an hour away, and they only had them for the 11”. Did some other things, went to a Costco, and decided to check the app again around 4PM. It said the one in the mall had them available for pickup today. Did an in-store pickup and it was immediately ready. I guess they are getting regular shipments or afternoon shipments. Lucked out and got mine. Keep checking the in-store pickup inventory.
My Apple store had them back in stock today as well. I cancelled my BB order and bought one to pick up.
Glad mine arrived yesterday. Using it at work for first day...working very well so far.
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