fcp suite 2.
it does not install on the other hd. it must be on the hd with the OS.
Install the APP on the SSD, install all the CONTENT somewhere else. In the installation process, it allows you to select another place to put said CONTENT, like music loops, sample video clips, live fonts, etc.
what about my other applications?
What about them? Main HD. Apps are small.
what about my email from 2003?
Unless you've been getting 1+meg attachments many times a day since 2003, I think there's probably room. Also, you can archive it on another drive.
what about about all the massive amount of data i download from the web?
Change your downloads directory.
not only it is not enough to install all my applications. i have to constantly move data around. why i should be bother with this? why not change to magnetic hd, which is exactly what i am going to do. use my 80gb ssd for something else.
Sure it is, you just don't realize it. However, realize that an SSD is generally beter as your boot drive, and NOT as your main storage. Use another hard drive for all the junk that one collects in this digital world. Movies, music, HD video files you're working on (that should NEVER EVER be on your boot drive anyways), etc. Also, you can use Automator to help keep your files more organized, and automatically move things for you, you guessed it, to another hard drive.
if the guy who thinking of buying 80GB SSB hobby including constantly moving data around to keep your hd from filling up. go ahead.
you must ask yourself, you buy SSB to speed up your work, if your data is in magnetic hd when you are doing data processing on it. Do you think SSB massive improve your performance?
I think you mean SSD. In case you missed the other incredibly informative thread on SSD upgrades, which cites numerous benefits thereof, here's the thing: If you rely on massive data processing, using the SSD for that source media won't make much difference, because SEQUENTIAL read/write operations of large data off a magnetic HDD are plenty fast for most of that type of work. HOWEVER, for SYSTEM use, magnetic drives are BAD at random read/writes with teeny tiny files. This is where SSDs really shine. This improves your boot time, app launch time, and anything that involves your computer fetching app and plugin data randomly of the disc. Sometimes, using a project file located on the SSD could be valuable, for saving and reading the project itself, but remember, you'll probably want to archive them elsewhere.
If you don't want to constantly move data around, then put things wehre you want it to be the first time, or use Automator to do it for you. If you don't care about having to wait a few seconds for the computer to access the main HD, and don't need the performance increase from the faster system drive, then stick with a magnetic drive.