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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
I have a windows laptop I use for most on the go work, but it recently kicked the bucket, and I've been looking at MacBooks. A friend offered me their 2010 Air for $100, with 2GB of RAM. I just need to be able to use Google Docs, YouTube, and Reddit, since I use my Mac Pro for most other tasks. Windows would be nice, but isn't a requirement. Is this a good low-cost machine for what I need? If so what's the best version of MacOS to run?



macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2017
It's ok. I own a 2gb 2008 iMac and it does the job. The only downside would be the small screen. 11" is like the size of a large iPad.


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
With reasonable expectation of course, it'll do just fine.

You can also install Windows with BootCamp

Regarding the best OS X, well, for security reasons I don't recommend being too far behind. 2 years at the most to keep your system somewhat safe.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2017
Toronto, Canada
The 11" Air is a great device - don't be worried about the screen size. rafark expressed some concern about that, but, as he points out, while its about the size of a iPad, its a real computer. I've got a mid-2011 11" which I've used as my primary and travel computer all that time.

If there is a concern on my side would be the 2GB RAM. Oh, and how much storage memory. While the tasks you propose shouldn't be too difficult for it, you might find it struggles with anything too complex, or any multi-tasking / keeping too many apps open at once (remember, unlike Windows, closing a window does not necessarily close an app). This RAM limitation might make you consider the OS upgrades available. So Windows might similarly struggle - and that might also be a consideration re: onboard storage. As far as that goes, if its 64GB, I believe the OS at the time used somewhere around 24GB of that. So can be a bit of pinch if you start loading apps. Ditto, additional OSs. I'm not sure if Boot Camp or Parallels (an app that that lets your run Windows within Mac) lets you run Windows off an external drive, if storage an issue. Meanwhile, there's Crossover - a product that runs many individual Windows apps in MacOS. If its 128GB drive (as I have, along with 4GB RAM) there's lots more wiggle room.

Then again, for $100 - cheaper than a lot of smaller Android tablets - you'll get a computer that can handle most tasks and connect to most peripherals.


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
So can be a bit of pinch if you start loading apps. Ditto, additional OSs. I'm not sure if Boot Camp or Parallels (an app that that lets your run Windows within Mac) lets you run Windows off an external drive

It does indeed. You can also run macOS itself off of an external disk, or whatever else you might want to do.

Regarding the 2 gigs of RAM, with my setup on my iMac, after booting, 1.5gigs of RAM are wired. That means you essentially have around 512MB of usable RAM for everything else. Not a lot.


macrumors 68020
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
The machine itself would be fine but the 2GB ram WILL be a hinderance
You would want 4GB or more really.

it will work with 2GB but you may find it bit slow and see beachball quite a bit.

I have a 2012 11" air with 4gb ram and it is ok.
My fiancee has a 13" air with only 2GB ram and it is slow and pauses a lot she also has the 1st gen so the CPU is very low too not helping.
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