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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 31, 2009
Hey everyone i was just wondering if the iMac would make a good computer to edit and mix sound? I know a lot of people buy mac pros for heavy editing, heavy image manipulation, and 3d rendering, but i think that a mac pro may be overkill for me, it also costs a lot. And for anyone who has a new 24in iMac how is it? and what do you use it for? I may be asking a lot more questions in time because i am new to the mac world.
Yes, it is. People who do audio on a Mac Pro are usually into sequencing and HD recording, using (a lot of) software synths and FX plug-ins. These can bring down even the fastest computer in the world, if used excessively.

If you're just editing and mixing audio, even last year's Mac will do.
I have seen the Imac's used in school for audio production ,writing tracks and so fourth.Our graphic design classes uses Imac's also.
I want to say logic 8 i think...
Maybe others will be able to supply more info.
yeh they are great for it, just if you get one make sure u get warranty and if u get logic put it on a usb memory stick to save space, also reason runs great on them
At least every Mac can be used fpr Audioproduction.
I´m a Pro and I started in 2000 with a G4 350 Mhz and this old Baby ist still runnin in the Studio (now with Protools-Extention-Cards), but even before I did a lot of good Music on a High Level on that only have to deal with the ressources .

Here at Home I done my Stuff for the last 2 Years on a Powerbook G4 1,33 Ghz and I pushed that one allways straight to the Limit ( coz nowadays the Plugs and Softsynths are no longer that ressourcefriendly as in the Beginning..)

So 2 Weeks ago I got myself a IMac (white) 17" with Intel Core Duo 1,83 Ghz and this is a performance Blast for me....before I need to use the Freeze-Function or I bounced complete Tracks coz of the Performance Limit, now I don´t...

But in the End, the Mac & the Performance of it only define the Way you Work, not the Quality of the Outcome....
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