Instead of those "is Apple losing its shine" negative puns,
we should really ask if Apple is "be(ing) Foolish, be(ing) Hungry" enough, AKA, "reckless".
That is, use that huge stock pile of cash it is sitting and greatly expand its R&D and eventually expand product offering outside of what they have made.
I think the iOS has the potential to be in everything, from cars to cash registers, but Apple seems content to just be consumer electronics.
Even if Apple partners up with another company to do this, it will still expand the market share, and entice more developers to do iOS software.
As example a new camera, by Sony I think, has Android operating system designed to make it easier to manage and edit the photos then uploading to social sites a snap.
On the iCloud side, I can see room for more features along Google Doc's lines.
What you all think?
we should really ask if Apple is "be(ing) Foolish, be(ing) Hungry" enough, AKA, "reckless".
That is, use that huge stock pile of cash it is sitting and greatly expand its R&D and eventually expand product offering outside of what they have made.
I think the iOS has the potential to be in everything, from cars to cash registers, but Apple seems content to just be consumer electronics.
Even if Apple partners up with another company to do this, it will still expand the market share, and entice more developers to do iOS software.
As example a new camera, by Sony I think, has Android operating system designed to make it easier to manage and edit the photos then uploading to social sites a snap.
On the iCloud side, I can see room for more features along Google Doc's lines.
What you all think?