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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 17, 2009
Norfolk, UK
Something that I don't like about FaceTime is that it isn't built into iChat, as sometimes I like to text chat alongside it for the purpose of sending a link, etc. But with the Messages Beta app, it looks like they may be integrating it into the app itself? Does anyone know whether this will happen?

Also, why does FaceTime video pause when you change desktop? This is very annoying and I wish it would be changed.
There is a button on the Messages app which launches FaceTime with that contact. I think it works well that way.
Apple put a lot of money into advertising FaceTime, they're not about to merge it with iMessage and possibly lose the brand identity

Why would it change that? FaceTime can still be a separate app, and it would still be using the protocol...Didn't apple say they were going to make it an open protocol one day?
FaceTime is going to be integrated in Messages in OS X Lion, making it more of a service than a stand-alone app. I'd imagine the standalone app will remain available on the App Store, however, since Apple is apparently not releasing the final version of Messages to OS 10.7 Lion after the beta period, making it a Mountain Lion exclusive instead.
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