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macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
Haha. I had a minutes one for October, but nothing like that. I think it was something like 86 minutes a day (for a total monthly minutes, not a specific daily minute goal). But an hour and a half of exercise is just too much for me, and I had to go out of town unexpectedly, so there was no way that goal was happening.

For November I am back on close all three rings every day, which is easy for me, considering I'm on a 345-ish day streak right now.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2018
For November I am back on close all three rings every day, which is easy for me, considering I'm on a 345-ish day streak right now.

That was my October challenge, which I laughed at since I've closed all 3 rings every day except January 1 and one day that my phone was replaced. Apple does "Perfect Month" awards. They should do "Perfect Year" awards as well...


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
How do I get the monthly challenge and stuff? I've only had this watch for a week or so, I'm still learning the ropes.

Also the exercise seems to be locked to 30 minutes a day, is that correct? I've had to change the move goal to 1000 calories so I can hit the daily calories I want on the exercise bike, however the move goal also takes into account, err, resting calories I imagine? Because it seems to rack up when I'm doing nothing?

Sorry for the dumb questions. I love this device but I still don't feel I know what I'm doing with it. :D
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
Mine is to go 132.8 miles. Initially I'm like wtf, but it seems to include miles from normal walking around without selecting a workout. I got .6 already from the car to my office. Off to a great start ;)


macrumors 6502
Apr 1, 2007
I gotta log 68 workouts for November, which seemed excessive until I thought it through. I walk the dog twice daily (7 days a week), run 4 times a week, and do weight training the other three days. I'm already doing 93 workouts each month so this challenge is actually easy!


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2010
Mine for October was burn 27k calories which I never thought I'd do but ended up finishing a couple days early, guess I picked a good month to join the gym :p
How do I get the monthly challenge and stuff? I've only had this watch for a week or so, I'm still learning the ropes.

Also the exercise seems to be locked to 30 minutes a day, is that correct? I've had to change the move goal to 1000 calories so I can hit the daily calories I want on the exercise bike, however the move goal also takes into account, err, resting calories I imagine? Because it seems to rack up when I'm doing nothing?

Sorry for the dumb questions. I love this device but I still don't feel I know what I'm doing with it. :D

You might have to wear it for awhile before they give you a monthly challenge, give it a chance to see how active you are. You can also find it in the activity app on your phone if you do have one (under awards).
Yes 30 minutes is the most exercise minutes you can have a goal. And yes it does count resting and active calories.
Hope that helps :D


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Mine for October was burn 27k calories which I never thought I'd do but ended up finishing a couple days early, guess I picked a good month to join the gym :p

You might have to wear it for awhile before they give you a monthly challenge, give it a chance to see how active you are. You can also find it in the activity app on your phone if you do have one (under awards).
Yes 30 minutes is the most exercise minutes you can have a goal. And yes it does count resting and active calories.
Hope that helps :D

Awesome buddy, thanks for clarifying!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
I gotta log 68 workouts for November, which seemed excessive until I thought it through. I walk the dog twice daily (7 days a week), run 4 times a week, and do weight training the other three days. I'm already doing 93 workouts each month so this challenge is actually easy!

Oh you got this
Awesome buddy, thanks for clarifying!

Just for clarification, it will calculate beyond 30. It's just saying 30 minutes is the minimum for the ring.
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macrumors demi-goddess
Sep 22, 2015
Washington, DC
This is mine:


Seems too easy to complete. It’s probably because I only workout 2 days per week.

Jason Hensley

macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2018
Geez Apple! Y'alls is higher than mine, but it wants me to avergae 131 exercise minutes a day for a total of 3930 month exercise minutes.

Jason Hensley

macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2018
What’s annoying is I completed all activity rings for October but yet I didn’t get the badge! :(

I did get the challenge badge thou. :)
Same with me. I got the challenge badge, but not the perfect month badge. They'll fix it soon I imagine.

Jayne Doe

macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2012
Mine is easiest ever. After my punishing October challenge, I was surprised to see "close all rings for 30 days. Since I'm on a 1,000 plus streak, it's a no brainer. Especially since I had to double my move ring every day for last month. Go figure.
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