I'm considering getting an apple tv mainly for the TV shows. I do not plan on using it for movies except maybe for a rent here or there. I'd rather buy movies in Blu Ray for the 1080p experience but mainly just for the TV shows is it worth it?
My opinion is that the Apple TV is totally worth it. I also think that it might just be ahead of it's time. I held out switching from VHS to DVD as long as I could, but when I did I spent lots of money buying new DVD's and coverting my VHS library over to DVD also. Needless to say, when Blu-Ray entered the picture, I felt burned. In a very short span of time I spent hundreds of dollars switching to the next big thing. I swore I would never let that happen to me again. So when the Apple TV came out, I converted all my DVD's to digital format and sold them. My opinion is that for right now I'd rather have convenience over Hi-Def. And I'm much happier for it.
If you waited so long to jump into DVD, why is the introduction of BluRay a "burn" for you?
I've had mine (one-and-only) for three years and it is still working, so YMMV.I loved all of my Apple TVs, and I say all because it has a heat problem and they die. I'm not getting a new one until there is a design/hardware change. But I will buy one again.
It's a burn cause I spent lots of money just to have the format replaced by a more expensive, technically superior, format. The introduction to Blu Ray was nothing like the intro to DVD. VHS at least had a long enough life span. When I finally made the switch to DVD I just assumed a superior alternative wasn't right around the corner.
It's fine. But I think the Mini is a better, more well rounded solution.
I'm new to this also, would Apple TV be good enough to replace cable, for normal network tv shows to watch?
Only if you can stand the excitement.
If you come in expected 1080P and terabytes of storage in a $200 box you are a fool.
I went to the Apple store and saw they have network TV shows, but I don't think it's worth $1.99 each