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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
New Mexico
I've spoken to Apple support twice through Apple Web Chat and once on the phone, and I'm confused about AppleCare. Am I allowed to request a direct mail-in for repairs on my iMac with my complimentary support, or do I have to purchase the three-year AppleCare Protection Plan for such support features? Is there a difference between complimentary support and AppleCare besides the length of time they're good for? For various reasons, I can't make the 70-mile trip to the nearest authorized tech location, and I need to mail my computer in somehow.
When my iBook logic board failed during its first year Apple sent a S.A.S.Box to my house free of charge. If they acknowledge you have a faulty iMac demand a shipping box.
Thanks. I was confused since the gentleman I spoke with in Apple Chat never mentioned this possibility and tried to get me to do onsite repair through AppleCare, which I'm out of range for anyway.
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