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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 20, 2006
So I really want to order my iMac but i don't quite have the funds.....300 to go......i see they have a bill me later you think its worth it, or should i just wait till i have the money......i guess i am just way over excited about the recent update and it has sent me over the edge, I WANT MY MAC NOW!!! lol

but really, would anyone recommend it?

Thanks in advance
I think not buying things you can't afford is a good habit to get into. Plus, if there are any problems with the new machine (which is the one I assume you want), they will come to light by the time you have the money. Best wishes.
i know the temptation to use credit, but really it's better to wait until you have the cash. paying interest on a computer is silly, since you'll end up paying MUCH more for the computer than it's worth.

Though, to be fair, if you were just financing 300 it won't be as bad as if you were financing the entire computer.
miles01110 said:
Just wait until you have the money. It's hard, but tough it out.
yeah and just to mention.....i really will be toughing it out because....right now i have been forced to use a 533mhz compaq 64mb circa 1999......they always say "if you need it buy it" i need it but i guess i can tough it out.....i'll try.....but you should see this thing try to play a video....omg, it won't even start.....thats ok though...i'll get over it:(

dukebound85 said:
well if your gonna get it for sure then whats the difference? If you pay the balance out in full it will cost the exact same

assuming you get the 300 within the month lol

yeah.....very true, totally forgot about that! Well, i should have the 300 in the next 2 months so i guess paying a little extra financing for one month isnt gonna kill me....yay!

we'll see....i kinda need the imac for school anyways...i'll sleep on it

emptyCup said:
I think not buying things you can't afford is a good habit to get into. Plus, if there are any problems with the new machine (which is the one I assume you want), they will come to light by the time you have the money. Best wishes.

it's not that i cant afford it, i definately can no problem....i just had other bills to pay this month so i have to build up my stash again:) but actually i just want the 17 inch model, not the cheap one but the next one up....i don't need anything too grand
Wait it out. No reason to have debt.

Don't forget tax :eek: :p

And I remember having a 500 MHz Celeron for the longest time ... mplayer rocks.
i figure that if the shipping takes as long as it has been taking for some people....maybe if i ordered now...i could have it paid off by the time i get it ! lol wow that would be sad...yeah i will probably just wait....or get a loan from dad:)
$300 left?

Finance it. Buy the damned thing.

It'd be different if you, say, wanted a 17" MacBook Pro and had $20. But if you're $300 short, and you're good with money, I say finance it. Especially if you're using as crappy a computer as described.
adamyoshida said:
$300 left?

Finance it. Buy the damned thing.

It'd be different if you, say, wanted a 17" MacBook Pro and had $20. But if you're $300 short, and you're good with money, I say finance it. Especially if you're using as crappy a computer as described.

I 100% agree with you......THANK YOU SO MUCH! you have made my day by helping me with my decision:D and tomarro is iMac day!!!!!! Yippeeeee!
If your going to finance it I run a apple user group whose sole purpose is to help finance new mac purchases. We have much better rates than Apples Financing and better rates than credit card financing. I welcome all questions about our group:
Group Home Page Mac Lenders
Financing Group Page Apple User Group on Prosper
I'd double-check their offers. Similar services (Paypal Buyer Credit, the Amazon Credit Line or store credit cards) often offer a six-months/nine months/full-year no-interest option over a certain amount, but I've never looked at BML.
If I read the terms right, the first 3 months of the Apple loan are interest free. So if you can get it paid off in the first 3 months, go for it.

If you really need to finance a Mac (I'm financing mine... not that I can't afford it, but I'd rather my immediate cash go toward mortgage) and may not pay it off in the first 3 months, get a loan elsewhere. If you are a member of a credit union, then get it there.
I had to save for a few months to buy my 20" iMac which I finally got in June. I'm glad I did. Instead of being in debt and struggling for 2 weeks after buying it, I was able to buy it with plenty of money left over for software, AppleCare, etc.
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