So, I want to learn coding for OS X. I've been told learning C, because Cocoa uses a lot of the same language terms, would be helpful.
When you say helpful, do you mean in a sense for career opportunities or as in "leveraging" what you learn from one language and applying it to the other?
But I suck at programming. Would the C for dummies really be worth my while, or should i forget about it altogether.
I would forget "Dummy" books altogether. The last one I ownes was written by Dan S. Parks and it was very outdated even when it came out (during the move to Carbon/Cocoa from the Mac Toolbox.)
Anyways, if you want to learn C on the Macintosh, the old book "Learn C on the Macintosh" is very nice. It targets ANSI C, so you won't be learning how to create windows, buttons, menus, etc. The author of this book has created a new electronic version at:
Note the "Mac OS X" in its title.
Some honest feedback would be appreciated.
I just recommended this book in another thread:
Some people spend lots of $$ to go to Aaron's seminars -- his book is a great way to learn how to program modern apps on the Mac. Highly recommended.
If you want to learn programming to enjoy your Mac more, or perhaps to create your own apps, I would say the route of Cocoa/Objective-C is great. If however, you want to learn programming to improve your job prospects, then perhaps Java and C++ (C#) might be better alternatives.
If you want to simply try your hand at programming, without any clear goals, then there are other alternatives such as REALbasic, Ruby, Python, and so on. I think the key is finding someone who knows these languages, or a community that does, because as you learn, you'll likely to have a million questions, so a good mentor(s) is very nice.
>I have Xcode tools installed and try to take things apart with it and study it, >but it's all russian to me.
It's like that for everyone when they first start out. Take it slow, and build on your programs (vs. trying to make Photoshop or Doom 3 right off the bat)
Best of luck.