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macrumors newbie
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Sep 28, 2010
Im planning to buy a Mac and I mainly use it for Graphics and Photography. I use Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW predominantly.
No, it isn't, unfortunately. You have three straightforward options:

1. Use another software package for your needs.
2. Run CorelDraw within a Windows emulator on the Mac, like Parallels.
3. Use Bootcamp to boot into Windows on the Mac.
CorelDRAW was first (and last) ported to Mac OS X in 2002 as part of Corel Graphics Suite 11 but it was terrible and unusable compared to the Windows version. The developers clearly paid very little attention to making the workflow go smoothly. I think the post above accurately describes your options...
CorelDRAW was first (and last) ported to Mac OS X in 2002 as part of Corel Graphics Suite 11 but it was terrible and unusable compared to the Windows version. The developers clearly paid very little attention to making the workflow go smoothly. I think the post above accurately describes your options...

CorelDRAW was also available under version 10. If you are desperate, you might find an old version on eBay, but it really is not worth the bother as already stated.
We use Corel Draw to save bitmaps as a PLT file for our laser engraver and I've come to the realization I'll have to just run it in a parallels in XP.

Unless anyone knows a program to save a file as .PLT under osx?
Im planning to buy a Mac and I mainly use it for Graphics and Photography. I use Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW predominantly.

Then you better stay on Windows: One of your major tools is not available for Mac OS X, meaning that switching to the Mac won't make much sense in your case.
How long does it take for Windows XP or 7 (whichever is quicker) to load in Parallels/VMware? Will Corel Draw run smoothly this way considering the fact that two OSes are running simultaneously?
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Then you better stay on Windows: One of your major tools is not available for Mac OS X, meaning that switching to the Mac won't make much sense in your case.

True, but I love a Mac so much that I've been waiting a long time to get my first Mac. I finally am in a state to afford one but am disappointed with this fact :(
How long does it take for Windows XP or 7 (whichever is quicker) to load in Parallels/VMware? Will Corel Draw run smoothly this way considering the fact that two OSes are running simultaneously?

I have Parallels and I don't have any problems running Windows Vista or 7 on my Mac. You don't have to shut them down once they are running, you can "Suspend" them, which is similar to putting them to sleep. Doing so makes waking them up quicker.

Assuming your new Mac will have sufficient memory and speed, I don't think you should notice much of a slowdown (if any) while working in Windows. That said, I must concede that I don't run any significant programs on Windows (I mostly use it to check web sites I build in various browsers), so I can't speak definitively on the speed issue. Perhaps someone else can chime in on that aspect.
How long does it take for Windows XP or 7 (whichever is quicker) to load in Parallels/VMware? Will Corel Draw run smoothly this way considering the fact that two OSes are running simultaneously?

It all depends on your hardware. If you have 4GB or less I wouldn't bother but would just boot into windows to use all of your available ram. (For Corel). You have to specify how much RAM OSX uses and your VM (window) can use.
I'm palnning to buy the base 13" MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Core2Duo, 4GB RAM. I might go for a 128GB SSD instead of the 250GB 5400rpm HDD.
Corel on Mac

I have a very old Corel 7 that I use on the Windows side of my Mac.

I use it mainly for the Corel clip art. I have a 7 CD set of clip art gallery, 200,000 clip arts. Veru useful.

Corel is also better as some typeface manipulation.
Have you tried Inkscape? It is a free vector graphics application that works fairly well for me. Not sure if it would work for what you need, but it might be worth trying.
Adobe Illustrator is available in a Mac version. Illustrator is not cheap [can be found for about $360 on eBay]. You can download a 30 day trial version from the Adobe website and give it a try.

Nice thing about using Illustrator instead of CorelDraw, is that your Mac stays all Mac.

I notice that deepak.selvaraj question regarding Coreldraw for Mac was posted on November 21, 2010. Has anything changed since that date in respect to this question. Is there a good alternative to Coreldraw for Mac. I tried Inkscape ?? suggested but did not find it anywhere as good as Corel. Any ideas? Many thanks.
I used Corel Draw for 2 1/2 years and Illustrator blows it out of the water. There's only three things that Corel does better, but it lacks in so many other areas.
Using Corel Draw was similar to drawing with my left hand. I know what I want it to do, but it takes twice as long and doesn't look nearly as good.
I've been using CorelDraw X4 on my Mac using VMware Fusion to create a virtual PC with Windows XP installed, and it works as well as it does on a PC.

I use it in conjunction with Illustrator as it has always seemed to me that it easier to create smooth Bezier curves in Corel, plus it has a number of useful shortcuts that Illustrator has always lacked, and the ability to properly center text without having to expand it. I usually create basic artwork in Corel than export it to Illustrator to finish it off.

VMware also has the useful "Unity view" function, which allows you to pin an application in your virtual PC to your Mac's dock.
CoreCAD = Good Sign?

Though the last CorelDRAW for Mac was V11, they did recently announce CorelCAD for OS X. It was developed by a German publisher (Ares?), but looks solid. It seems to be promising.

There used to be several things like Canvas and Corel on the Mac. Let's hope the sudden emergence of CAD apps from several vendors do well enough to encourage competition to Illustrator in the illustration / vector art market.

I used to dream of Quark + Corel's suite of apps. Adobe's killing of Freehand left an opening… but Corel was too weak to pursue it.
OP, is there a specific reason that you need to stick to CorelDraw? Adobe Illustrator, is in my opinion just as efficient and powerful for many and all graphic design tasks that I have encountered.
do not buy a mac for artwork or photos

Im planning to buy a Mac and I mainly use it for Graphics and Photography. I use Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW predominantly.
I agree Macs are very expensive and horrible for graphic arts and photos:(
CorelDRAW on Parallels

I have used both Illustrator and CorelDRAW, Photoshop and PhotoPaint for years. Though Illustrator can do many of the thing CorelDRAW can, the strength of CorelDRAW is in user Automation, scripting, which my macros, are frequently shared or sold at nomimal fees to extend the function of CorelDRAW.

The Bezier tool is great at drawing what you need to get at with the least amount of correction, even over Xara, which for Mac users who have never tested what that program can do, really should give it a spin.

What I like best about the CorelDRAW graphics suite is that it truly gives you a competitive edge in pricing as you do not have to buy the more expensive software as when you upgrade in the Adobe Suites, the price difference is huge. DRAW offers to a graphic artist a complete tool.

Many do not understand the strength of PhotoPaint. Mac users for years repeat the Adobe montra to their economic slavery, that CorelDRAW is lame and year after year, Illustrator incorporates features which DRAW has had for 20 years. It is interactive and you draw outside of going into a dialogue box. An artist using a program can make any program look good. It is the artist using the program which brings inspiration to life. It does not come bundled in the Adobe Suite no matter how high the price tags get. But if you believe the hype, you simply won't learn what you are missing and think that you can compare Inkscape to CorelDRAW and think you can make a living with it. If the program you use wastes your time, then where are you? Customers don't want to be hit up with unreasonable fees.

Draw has the ability to do books of 100 pages, not Illustrator, go buy InDesign too. Illustrator has wonderful features for those who can afford going from one program to another, though the delay time in doing so makes and keeps users of CorelDRAW still using it like me on Windows XP despite frowns. What I can't do in DRAW, I do in Xara which comes with great compression for .pdfs so there is little reason to spend further to get Adobe Acrobat Professional. Now there is a form creator on line to make fillable forms which was once the province of Acrobat and do it for free.

.Pdf has leveled many playing fields in publication, and on the web.

As far as manipulation of fonts and what you can do with nodes of type, the creative possibilities are limited by your imagination only in CorelDRAW. Inkscape cannot touch anywhere near the sophistication of either DRAW or Xara. DRAW is very CAD-like if you choose to use those features. Sadly accuracy is not taught almost anywhere. A course in basic drafting on a computer is a lifelong benefit in understanding how to make things work. A second which is not being taught is typography and printable point-sizes.
I have the same issues...admittedly on a much lower level, though.

I have extremely little knowledge and skills but I have been using both Corel & Photoshop to create & edit fairly simple web graphics for my wife's business web site.

I really can't stand Windows any longer and want to move to a MAC (to go with my Ipad mini & Iphone.

When I say basic, I mean really basic. I run Corel Draw 9 and Photoshop 7....okay, stop laughing!
What I have found is that Corel is much easier when setting up graphics with layers. But I use Photoshop 7 to do removing/modifying backgrounds to create png's for graphics layering...or for changing image size.

Later versions of both are expensive for me but these older versions really do everything that I need...just not on a Mac!
CorelDraw on Mac

I have used coreldraw for the last 20 years right from version 3.

I think it is a great product for the price. I have recently fell out with my PC & bought a MacMini. On the mac I setup bootcamp with windows 7 then used parallels to control the bootcamp image.

I have my 2 existing PC screens hooked up to my mac. One screen has OS X on & the other has my windows OS running via parallels. In my widows & run Corel 15 & photoshop & they all run happy together.

I did ram up the mac to 16gb as the ram upgrade from was a no brainer for the price & they guarantee it works ok.

I have used pcs for last 20 years & running the mac in this way is brilliant. Best of both worlds.
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