I know google broke 400 billion in market cap last year and they did a 2 way stock symbol split but I just checked both stocks and 1 is at 350 bill and the other is 353 billion
Is Google now worth 703 billion?
Google's current market cap is approximately $350B while Apple's is about $630B.
They split the company into 2 stocks
Goog at 513 a share and 350 billion market cap and
Googl at 516 a share and 353 billion market cap
Google has more potential
Not science fiction but Minority Report future-like might be true in near future with Google
Its more than a company, its like an entity that will grow more and more.
Apple is old school and based on archaic model, no offense, they do everything great about their financial results.
Although i own Android devices, i see Google as threat and malicious
Apple inspire me more trust although their eco-system is locked up
while all you said is true, I, on the other hand, actually predict very grim future for google, considering they have failed in every attempt at monetization of their projects except search which is recently under pressure from facebook and the likes in mobile, and more importantly all the issues they have/will have regarding privacy in the future.
people are becoming more and more aware of their internet footprint, and thats gonna be cardinal for google, lets see how they adapt.
also worth mentioning is android oems who, except samsung, operate in red or barely break even, because of ever-falling android asp.
honestly, it beats me how can anyone predict bright future to any of android oems and google if things continue moving in this direction. i dont think 1% margin industries are meant to be.
but in terms of innovation, yeah, google has more chance at becoming skynet than apple, but under one condition, if they actually start making money from products they sell.
disclaimer, i dont consider people and their personal information products.
I think it's funny cuz while I see Google supposedly being more "innovative" they will eventually have to start making profit on product sales in the spirit of Apple.
People bash on Apple but making money on hardware and the software/apps has worked out well. They have amassed lots of liquidity so that if they need to venture outside regular avenues they more than have the capital for it.