Sorry to jump into this thread, but I was going to post a question and as the OP raised Handbrake it is relevant.
Please can someone help me because this is driving me nuts!
I am ripping DVD's and I have a Season set of Hustle (aired in UK). So I have 2 discs with 3 episodes each on them. Here is the problem.
I load them in Handbrake then select the chapter that contains all 3 episodes. It takes 2hrs or so (or quicker), saves as m4v but will not play in iTunes or Quicktime.
So - exactly the same settings then, I load each chapter separately, Handbrake does it's stuff and Viola! - it works fine!
Why will it not convert the 1 chapter with all 3 episodes in yet will rip an episode separately with no problem?
I have tried everything and cannot figure this out!
Please help if you can.