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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
This is a feature I really need but can't seem to find it.

I could've sworn on my Mac it displayed an iTunes software update to allow for iBooks PDF but it doesn't show up anymore...

..that or i'm crazy and it's not even out yet..
Hmm, would be nice if this came in an iTunes update. I was thinking we'd have to wait until the OS 4 for iPad update in the Fall.
the PDF feature is part of the upcoming iTunes 9.2 and iBooks updates, not iOS4

steve's keynote showed both ipad and iphone with the PDFs in iBooks
But it's my understanding that it'll be part of iOS4 that comes with the new iPhone, which isn't available for the iPad until "Fall."
That may be your understanding... but that isn't what I heard. iBooks has always been a separate download for the iPad and has already been updated one or two times since the iPad was released.
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