Here's my question. Apple offers a basic zero cost 5 GB data storage option on its iCloud service with costed options to store more data but I am planning that my next Mac computer have at least 4 TB ssd, up from my current 1TB ssd. 4TB is 800x their basic iCloud offering so I, and you, could and should be able to store ALL my/your emails, photos and other documents only on our/my local machines since it is 800x 'bigger' than the current limit.
Why is Apple interested in acquiring my data and holding it on their servers when I/we could keep it locally? Now you could argue that synchronising files across all devices needs temporary space in the cloud to store the data but once the docs/files have been synchronised across all local machines the iCloud space could be released but Apple makes it hard to switch off iCloud and just store locally. I assume most folks here remember the CSAM hiatus. Apple was scanning image files to find 'bad' activities - a laudible aim - but to do that they would have to scan images to find other stuff including who attends Republican or Democrat rallies, or NRA activities, you name it - your private and entirely legitimate activities could also be reviewed once the data is held in cloud servers.
So I will ask again why can't ALL my/our emails, photos, files etc be stored entirely on the local machine when even iPhones and iPad can store so much and the amount is increasing every year?
Surely the NSA is not encouraging or forcing Apple, Google etc etc to offer cloud storage to make their work easier. When Apple makes the claim that our data is not what they sell/offer why does it appear not to be the case?
Alternatively, can somone tell me how to store ALL my emails, photos etc JUST and soley on my local devices in such a way that i can see the data on all my devices without involving the cloud?
Why is Apple interested in acquiring my data and holding it on their servers when I/we could keep it locally? Now you could argue that synchronising files across all devices needs temporary space in the cloud to store the data but once the docs/files have been synchronised across all local machines the iCloud space could be released but Apple makes it hard to switch off iCloud and just store locally. I assume most folks here remember the CSAM hiatus. Apple was scanning image files to find 'bad' activities - a laudible aim - but to do that they would have to scan images to find other stuff including who attends Republican or Democrat rallies, or NRA activities, you name it - your private and entirely legitimate activities could also be reviewed once the data is held in cloud servers.
So I will ask again why can't ALL my/our emails, photos, files etc be stored entirely on the local machine when even iPhones and iPad can store so much and the amount is increasing every year?
Surely the NSA is not encouraging or forcing Apple, Google etc etc to offer cloud storage to make their work easier. When Apple makes the claim that our data is not what they sell/offer why does it appear not to be the case?
Alternatively, can somone tell me how to store ALL my emails, photos etc JUST and soley on my local devices in such a way that i can see the data on all my devices without involving the cloud?