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Feb 21, 2018
Hi, Im thinking about getting one iPad Pro, and using it as complement of my main computer at work.

Things I think I could do with the iPad Pro (advice needed):

- Mail
- Office suite: word, excel (including MACROS), powerpoint
- PDF creation, editting and digital signing
- 2D CAD editing and measuring: Autocad
- 3D CAD Viewers: Naviswork, viewing 3D models from SP3D, PDMS, PDS.

Other things that I'll be surprised if I could do with the iPad, but dont think so:

- Electrical systems calculations: ETAP, CDEGS, PSS, ABB DOC.
- Electrical Relays settings definition: Schneider Easergy Studio, GE Enervista

Reading now my post, I have realized that certainly my work is very technical and specific.. and I'm afraid that the iPad Pro was not designed with focus on engineering activities... A Virtual Machine in the iPad Pro for running Mac/Windows programs could make the job (I think that the iPad is powerful enough), but don´t see Apple doing this...

What do you think about this profile? Is the iPad useless or do you have any kind of good experience as complementary device?

Maybe I'm one of that users that needs a truck (PC), as Jobs said years ago... I feel that the entire sector of engineers/architects are out of the Apple market target...
I would find someone or a group that is actually doing those engineering Apps. I couldn't see why not when you have music and video apps capable of running on an iPad. I don't think the iPad would be your sole source but more of a mobile device to your MacBook Pro. I run music and photography on my iPad but I still need to use my MBP. My workflow and how I store my data is my main reasons for needing both. Sorry I'm not a Windows user. I've used them before at work and found Apple Apps more effective for my workflow.

I'm not sure but you can try to also see if the Apple store has most of these Apps you can try on their demo iPads or if they have a class showing the uses.

Planning or mapping out is the best way to see how the iPad pro could work for you.
I’m pretty sure excel on it and doesn’t do macros. So the iPad won’t fit your use case.
No possible way. You will still need a computer for years, you answered your own question.

I do AutoCAD and the iPad could not cope with anything except the most simple needs.

Boy the day a tablet could do all you want . . . . .
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Doing all that would be hell on the iPad, save yourself the headache and get a laptop instead
This. Not that the iPad Pro could not do it. The interface is fat fingers and dragging. Not technical 3D manipulation. Sure you can do it, you can also take a school bus to a race track. It might be fun for a bit, but not really something to daily drive.
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Guys, thanks for your replies. Like you said, I answered myself in the moment of writing the post. It’s just that perhaps the necessary horsepower it’s already in the device, but the problem resides in the OS...

We will see how do converge MacOS and iOS in the future...

Could it also be the developers? They are the ones designing the Apps. Maybe they are limiting the features for a reason? iOS devices are added faster than the desktops and maybe the developers just don't want to put all that in and then have to update them every time a new device comes out. I had a several Apps that didn't update to 64bit. Adobe moved Lightroom to the Cloud...and I am guessing they lost a lot of customers who prefer working on their PCs and having a physical copy of LR.
Guys, thanks for your replies. Like you said, I answered myself in the moment of writing the post. It’s just that perhaps the necessary horsepower it’s already in the device, but the problem resides in the OS...

We will see how do converge MacOS and iOS in the future...

If you long for something ultra portable, go for the 12 inch Macbook. It is more than capable for your work and is a beast for its size. Check the Macbook forums for reviews.
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Doing all that would be hell on the iPad, save yourself the headache and get a laptop instead


I'm an architect/pro designer by trade. i LOVE my iPad Pro, but for anything technical and visual (ie - drawings), use a desktop or lap top.

My iPad Pro is my constant companion in work here sitting on my desk next to my workhorse windows pc. i use it for comms. email. internet. diary. skype, client correspondence etc etc

Anything else productive like excel sheets with macros, PDF creation, Photoshopping, 2D/3D CAD work etc then i wouldnt even consider trying an iPad.
Guys, thanks for your replies. Like you said, I answered myself in the moment of writing the post. It’s just that perhaps the necessary horsepower it’s already in the device, but the problem resides in the OS...

We will see how do converge MacOS and iOS in the future...


I don't think a convergence of macOS and iOS will be what does it. Though Apple is moving towards a "code once/distribute on all" model, there are factors at work that are independent of which OS is in use.

I think CPU horsepower isn't the issue it once was (let's face it, no Mac laptop has the power of a 12-core Xeon workstation, either), and with tools like Pencil and an external keyboard there's plenty of room for precision input. The issue, as I see it, still has a fair amount to do with storage space, or rather, ensuring that people with entry-level-capacity iPhones and iPads are still supported. A "rich feature set" is effectively equivalent to large downloads, and professionals demand rich feature sets. There are also matters like the execution of macros that are tied to the fundamental security design of iOS. On the macro front we have Apple's purchase of the Workflows app, which I think will graduate to an API. However, it likely wouldn't be compatible with existing, third-party scripting/macro languages.

On the hardware side, an iPad Pro can be had with as much as 512 GB storage, but entry-level is still 64 GB, so even pro-oriented apps have to take that into account. And while iOS is much less RAM-hungry than macOS, 4 GB is still the ceiling rather than the floor in iOS devices. Further, download bandwidth is also a concern, especially for download via a cellular data account.

Apple has put major efforts into ensuring developers deliver lean, efficient code and that app updates will be compact, something that has had a positive impact on coding for all platforms. Still, unless modularized into separate, inter-operating apps, professional apps are likely to be outliers, by necessity.

As to your list of the apps you require for work... Database-focused apps have been moving to web/cloud-delivered models for quite some time; if not already available, continued adoption of iPad for highly mobile workers (factory floor, job site, etc.) will push those resources in that direction. But I think "creative" apps like AutoCad for iOS are going to continue to focus on the kind of work that is practical on a small display with touch and speech as the primary input methods. Open and modify existing documents? Yes. Create initial concepts? Yes. The deep nitty-gritty of producing professional designs (especially when integrated with manufacturing systems) that has been keyboard/mouse-centric for many decades will likely remain desktop OS work for a bit longer.
No one should replace their laptop with an iPad for work. It’s unrealistic. And you obviously wanna reach your deadlines.
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No one should replace their laptop with an iPad for work. It’s unrealistic. And you obviously wanna reach your deadlines.

Not true! Just because it doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. I run a small business with 4 employees solely using an iPad Pro so you don’t know what you’re talking about in regards to me and other business users/owners like me.

Put simply, it really all depends on the your exact use case and the programs you require. I’m able to get everything I need done using “iWork” apps (Pages, Numbers, etc.), Notability, Nebo, GoodNotes, etc. The iPad Pro works flawlessly for this and I do recommend it IF you have a similar workflow.

If not, stick to a full fledged PC or MAC.
Not true! Just because it doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. I run a small business with 4 employees solely using an iPad Pro so you don’t know what you’re talking about in regards to me and other business users/owners like me.

Put simply, it really all depends on the your exact use case and the programs you require. I’m able to get everything I need done using “iWork” apps (Pages, Numbers, etc.), Notability, Nebo, GoodNotes, etc. The iPad Pro works flawlessly for this and I do recommend it IF you have a similar workflow.

If not, stick to a full fledged PC or MAC.
What kind of business do you run?
No one should replace their laptop with an iPad for work. It’s unrealistic. And you obviously wanna reach your deadlines.

Generalisations like these are often proven wrong on these forum pages already. As if we didn’t already have many users who have replaced their notebooks with iPads. It just depends on what you do and what can be accomplished by you and your tool together.
My iPad Pro compliments what I do at work - I couldn't do many of my meetings without it. When doing interviews, holding one-on-ones with my team, annual reviews etc. It becomes an invaluable tool in my arsnal.

That said, that's all it is - another valuable tool. I spend a lot of time coding on various Database Systems as well and for that I need a full sized keyboard and software that can handle me switching between windows very quickly.

Ones day perhaps, but that day is not today.
The iPad Pro can handle a lot of stuff and you can navigate Fairly complex auto and drawings but for actual editing etc you need a laptop. We went through options with a client who is running exactly what you are and he tried out iPads, macs and windows laptops. In the end he went for an HP Zbook with an intel core i7, 16gb ram, 500GB SSD, AMD firePro 2GB with a 1920x1080 14” screen for £1059 + VAT. He runs the full auto and suite alongside office 2016.

He choose that laptop based on its size, performance and price. He liked the MacBook Pro 15” but the price was prohibitive and he has used windows more than MacOS.
- 2D CAD editing and measuring: Autocad
- 3D CAD Viewers: Naviswork, viewing 3D models from SP3D, PDMS, PDS.

AutoCAD work is a big fail on iOS. The app is rudimentary at best and in reality barely usable for things other than checking dimensions and making notes on a job site.
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