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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 1, 2022
Hello everyone. My iPhone 14 Pro takes great photos, but I find that in low light conditions, the photo looks fine in the viewfinder but is much noisy once the photo is taken. The photonic engine improves it but I was wondering if this is normal. Thanks.


Sep 24, 2009
Firstly the view finder is not the quality of the image they are two very different things, you could have a perfect live view on your screen but if you had a 5mp camera the image will be terrible. It’s the camera sensor that makes the image not your display. Secondly, I’ve found this too, with a lot of images, it seems to be apple’s new photonic engine that’s the culprits for me. It over sharpens everything and the final images are always really grainy when zoomed in, or text from far away just goes insane and turn into shapes like hieroglyphics. I really wish apple would let us turn it off, it really sucks!!
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