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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 22, 2010
United Kingdom
For example, the youtube app sucks now and really, really needs an update. The contacts should have the option for visual contacts when scrolling, not just when you click it or receive a call. The weather needs a dynamic icon, maps is pretty useless and photo's could do with some new features.

Seems Apple have rested on their laurels and updated the OS, but not the core applications. What do you guys think?
It certainly is. The YouTube app is pathetically slow compared to the mobile web interface. And for maps, I don't care about the politics, Apple needs to get Google to make it the Google Navigation app.
Apple needs to make all the stock apps just that, apps. They need to be user removable since basically all of them can be replaced with much better applications from the app store. This way they could also be updated without a full OS update.
I wish I could group my contact list

1. work
2. family
3. friends

it's so annoying scrolling through hundreds of names just to find one contacts info.
i think it's officially dead.

they probably realize there are much better apps to be had in the store. and the youtube webapp is pretty much perfect - if only clicking youtube links would open up there rather than the youtube app.
i think it's officially dead.

they probably realize there are much better apps to be had in the store. and the youtube webapp is pretty much perfect - if only clicking youtube links would open up there rather than the youtube app.

It will if you put a parental block on the YouTube app.
I agree witheveryhing except for maps, for me it does everything I need it to do + built onto ios. and it's pretty damn fast on the iPhone 4g
i think it's officially dead.

they probably realize there are much better apps to be had in the store. and the youtube webapp is pretty much perfect - if only clicking youtube links would open up there rather than the youtube app.

What makes the youtube webapp better? I still have trouble finding the videos I wont without a sort "Most Viewed" option.
What makes the youtube webapp better? I still have trouble finding the videos I wont without a sort "Most Viewed" option.

It actually plays in HQ. I just left my youtube app alone and added a shortcut of the web app.
So any solution for the problem of actually finding the video you want to see?
Apple has updated just for the record. The calendar and mail apps are much more usable.

Since Apple can't officially endorse downloading YouTube vids anyways, it's better to go with an app like Downloads anyways.
Wow, seems like everyone is in agreement then! Another thing I would like to see is an updated Camera app. I want more control over the exposure and pinch and zoom for focus.
Don't disagree that the apple apps need to be kept current in terms of speed and usability, but why would/should Apple spend a lot of time and money adding tons of features to free apps that already satisfy the large majority of users?

And, for those that aren't satisfied, there's almost always a 3rd party app with the feature you want.

If apple apps did everything you suggest, the overall interest in the app store and the iphone in general would decrease. Above all, Apple is a business.
I would also like to see Apple give us an option to delete them. There are some that I haven't used on any of my 4 iPhones. It's not a huge deal, and the folders have helped, but it still bugs me that we don't have the option at least.
I sent Steve Jobs an email about my idea for the Photos app. Clicking and dragging photos to folders so we can make our photos easier to find.

Say i take 15 pictures today at the park. I drag them (Like we do with apps in folders now) on top of each other and i have one spot taken instead of 15. It'd make the photos app much quicker and easier to navigate. Ability to add images AND videos. It seems simple enough.
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