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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 8, 2005
Cumming, GA
I have an iPhone 6s+ that is currently on 10.2.1 and it keeps asking me to upgrade. What if any are the issues with 10.3.1?
Go ahead and upgrade; 10.3.1 is great.

As always make sure your iCloud backup is up to date before updating, just in case something goes wrong. But 10.3.1 is solid, and performs better than 10.2.1 for many.
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Safe? No no no....highly unsafe! Extremely unsafe. Dangerously unsafe in fact!

Just do it. 10.3.1 is fine, although u can expect to update again to 10.3.2 very soon so you may as well wait and do one update instead of two. 10.3.2 is even better than 10.3.1
Why is it not safe at the first place?
Obviously I meant are there any glaring bugs that would make it undesirable to update. And based on the above posts it appears to be a split decision, so I think I will wait. I have wonderful battery life now of 2-3 days and I certainly don't want to m as with that.
Obviously I meant are there any glaring bugs that would make it undesirable to update. And based on the above posts it appears to be a split decision, so I think I will wait. I have wonderful battery life now of 2-3 days and I certainly don't want to m as with that.
Every OS version has bugs....
I still have the original 10.0.2 since November in i7 cause I'm a bit sceptical, but I'm thinking about finally upgrading. Does 10.3.1 works well? No problem with battery drain or something else?
I have an iPhone 6s+ that is currently on 10.2.1 and it keeps asking me to upgrade. What if any are the issues with 10.3.1?
I was using same 6S+ 64GB with 40GB free. 10.3.+ is perfectly fine.

Older iPhones or with very low free space, not so well.

New Apple File System and the move to being 64-bit OS.

Very few apps today are3 32-bit as the transition, and all new apps/updates now having g to be 64-bit.
It is better to update as quickly as possible once an update is released. Apple still signs the older version for a couple of weeks in most cases, giving you ample time to restore in case you don't like it. Once that window closes, you will not have a choice.

Keep that in mind for the future.
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Obviously I meant are there any glaring bugs that would make it undesirable to update. And based on the above posts it appears to be a split decision, so I think I will wait. I have wonderful battery life now of 2-3 days and I certainly don't want to m as with that.

Because those 4 posts are a scientific sample? :)

Really if there was anything pervasive it would hit the media in no time and everyone would hear about it. Forums naturally self-select only people with issues by their very nature so it easy to think anything is more prevalent than it really is. There are literally millions of safely upgraded users with no problems within a few days of any update...

The quote from the movie Contagion is dead right: "to get infected you have to come into contact with someone infected. To get scared you just need to read the internet"
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Stay on 10.2.1. You do not lose anything.
If I could get back to 9.3.5 I would do it right away
Battery life is worse on 10.3.1
iOS 10 i think it's for future phones.
If iPhone 7 have problems what I can say.
My opinion.
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You could have 5 million people chime in on this forum telling you to go ahead and upgrade. There will still always be one person saying they wish they could go back to 8.1 or some such.

10.3.1 is fine. And it includes important security fixes. Go ahead and upgrade (I'm on 10.3.2 beta 5 myself).
It is good to know both pros and cons especially that Apple's shame system does not allow you to return to the old version. However, the ratio of satisfied or unsatisfied people is 50-50.
I updated my 7 plus from 10.1 and it feels much snappier and battery life is actually really good. I also gained about 3 GBs of space.
Stay on 10.2.1. You do not lose anything.
If I could get back to 9.3.5 I would do it right away
Battery life is worse on 10.3.1
iOS 10 i think it's for future phones.
If iPhone 7 have problems what I can say.
My opinion.
What about security, APFS and because of APFS more usable space and some devices, like my iPhone 6, feel snappier??
@PR1985 I think you better answer the one who opened the subject.
I wrote "is my opinion" about what you're asking I can say that on 2 iOS 10 devices go worse than 10.2 1.
It is to much bugs to make a list here,only if you read the forum and you have all the answers
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