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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020
I put on a webcam cover on my MacBook, and because of it, it doesn't close completely (near the bottom area AKA where the cover is when the MacBook is closed). Is that ok? Will it interfere with the sleep mode or anything? Should I take the cover off?

Thanks to everyone for replying! I've decided that you guys are right, and the risk of cracking the screen is not worth appeasing my probably unnecessary paranoia!
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Alternatively, just use a small piece of tape to cover the camera. No possible worries about the thickness then...


macrumors 68020
Feb 26, 2016
Bloomingdale, GA
I think you would be likely to crack the glass or even worse the display itself if something is thick enough to keep it from closing flat. When it is closed, it is designed so that there is just enough room so the glass doesn’t touch anything.
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macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
IMHO your chances of damaging your screen greatly exceed the chance that someone is going to figure out how (and go to the trouble) to turn on your Macbook's camera without the indicator light coming on.

Either skip covering it or use something (tape/post-it/??) that's thin enough to not create a potential pressure point when your mac is closed and in a bookbag or something.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
I've read that the green light is part of the firmware and there's absolutely no way to over-ride it.

If you're still paranoid/OCD then use some black masking tape. Don't put anything thicker than tape there as one day you'll forget, close the lid tightly and the slight bend could crack the screen.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
I've read that the green light is part of the firmware and there's absolutely no way to over-ride it.

There was a paper a number of years ago showing that you could in fact do so on pre-2008 macs. As I remember it was pretty complex and not easy because they had to actually hack into the camera firmware to turn it off. I've seen no evidence that this has been achieved on newer Macs.

I doubt any of us here are sufficiently interesting to be worth someone's time/effort. Or maybe OP is a celebrity?

If you're still paranoid/OCD then use some black masking tape. Don't put anything thicker than tape there as one day you'll forget, close the lid tightly and the slight bend could crack the screen.

Doesn't even need to be black other than aesthetics.

FYI - they sell black Post-It notes, which would work splendidly.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Doesn't even need to be black other than aesthetics.
There are multiple threads regarding which colour Macbook to buy, and other threads where people are sending back iPhones just so they can order a different colour. People will definitely pick a tape based on aesthetics :)


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
I put on a webcam cover on my MacBook, and because of it, it doesn't close completely (near the bottom area AKA where the cover is when the MacBook is closed). Is that ok? Will it interfere with the sleep mode or anything? Should I take the cover off?
You stand a very good chance of breaking the glass if you use a webcam cover that's thicker than tape. This will be a very expensive repair, so find a different cover right away.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
There are multiple threads regarding which colour Macbook to buy, and other threads where people are sending back iPhones just so they can order a different colour. People will definitely pick a tape based on aesthetics :)
Oh certainly, I didn't mean to suggest they wouldn't. My point was merely that they had the freedom to use any color they wished. :D
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macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
I put on a webcam cover on my MacBook, and because of it, it doesn't close completely (near the bottom area AKA where the cover is when the MacBook is closed). Is that ok? Will it interfere with the sleep mode or anything? Should I take the cover off?
Webcam covers are cheap. You risk cracking the glass or a dent or other marks as others have said - either if your Macbook is in your bag or if you or a pet accidentally sit on it. Chuck the cover and buy a new thinner one.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2019
Usually not a good idea to have anything keep it from closing all of the way. Especially things in between the keyboard and screen (which is not what you said you were doing, just mentioning that)
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macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
I use one of those colored Post-It type strips. Right size, utterly thin, covers the camera, doesn't interfere with closing. Also, easy to take off.
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