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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
Hi guys.

I don't think this is possible so I already send feedback to Apple but in case I am wrong...

Is it possible to make folders for the Apple TV 2? For example, I have 100+ episodes of Family Guy, and the only way to get them to my Apple TV is to import each one as a movie.

So far I've found no way to import burned media into the TV shows section and there is no folders in the movie section.

Is there no way to do this yet?
Nevermind, Im a big idiot I figured it out right after I posted this. You have to drag the tv shows into iTunes, they show up under movies, command click all in the series, right click and choose "Info" and then under the options tab, change it to "TV Shows" :eek:
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