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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 25, 2010
[Note: this is all hypothetical, nothing illegal intended. And also there is nothing illegal about monitoring your kids.]

My simple question that I have been curious in figuring out, is if any of you know if it's possible to spy, as in get the texts or SMS from a Verizon phone?

From looking around the briefly, it seems easy enough to do with SIM card based phones... (you can buy a usb device for like $100) or in the case of CDMA/Verizon, if the person has a modern smartphone (blackberry storm, Droid etc), you can install simple software (provided you have the opportunity to do so) that runs invisibly and allows you to see all their SMS and sometimes way more from your computer.

NOW what if the person's phone is an older model and not a smart phone. It still has bluetooth capabilities... it can still get on Facebook and sort of anciently access the internet.. But I'm talking like basic old school Verizon flip/camera phone (I can get the actual model name) - not something you can install software on.

Is there any trusted, legitimate services online, or hacks you can do to be able to have at least just texts forwarded to my email or wherever? It seems like there is ALWAYS a way to do something.... Wiling to pay or buy something as long as it's somewhat reasonable.

Not being psycho here, again, just hypothetically looking into it for personal, completely legal reasons. A response would be greatly appreciated!

My simple question that I have been curious in figuring out, is if any of you know if it's possible to spy, as in get the texts or SMS from a Verizon phone?

Yes. Your calls, SMSs, and data traverse what amount to public networks. Anyone with the time and inclination to access such a network can access your information.

Is there any trusted, legitimate services online, or hacks you can do to be able to have at least just texts forwarded to my email or wherever?

Google Voice?
Yes. Your calls, SMSs, and data traverse what amount to public networks. Anyone with the time and inclination to access such a network can access your information.

Google Voice?

I'm not retarded..... I'm talking for an average person, to be able to monitor texts on such a phone as I mentioned.

Obviously anyone willing to spend a huge sum of money, or go through a process of law enabling Verizon to provide you with records, or works for any of these companies and is willing to look into peoples files illegally, or work FBI etc....

My point is there are so many "cell phone spy" services and software out there but they all seem to only apply to once again, either today's new OS type smartphones or any phone with a SIM card.

I figured someone would know here. I looked through the settings, unfortunately there is no blatant option like there is for some email providers "Foward texts to ___"

that would be nice..
Wow I take that back.... I feel stupid now I have never even seen Google Voice... this might work. As long as once it's setup, it does not alert anything to the phone. Gona test it out on mine first. thanks
never mind..... got all excited for a moment.

Google Voice only lets you foward texts in reverse.... as in have them fowarded from your 'google number' to your phone. Not the other way around
Google Voice only lets you foward texts in reverse.... as in have them fowarded from your 'google number' to your phone. Not the other way around

The other way around? You asked if you could have your text messages sent to your e-mail. In the Google Voice Settings you can do just that. Yes, you have to use your GV number to send/receive texts if you want this feature.


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The other way around? You asked if you could have your text messages sent to your e-mail. In the Google Voice Settings you can do just that. Yes, you have to use your GV number to send/receive texts if you want this feature.

right... it's deceiving at first glance. What it means is that if you enable the text message email fowarding, if someone were to text your google voice number, the text can be forwarded to your phone.

Trust me... I looked into it. Any text or call that comes in to your actual physical phone cannot be forwarded to your google voice account or email... that would just be too easy ha.
Any text or call that comes in to your actual physical phone cannot be forwarded to your google voice account or email... that would just be too easy ha.
Right. You need to use your GV number. Or you might be able to have your number forwarded to your GV number through your carrier's preferences somehow.
You do realize that what you are asking to do is highly illegal and could land you in jail. Tapping someones phone is taken pretty seriously even if it is your kids. My advice? Drop it... You want to see what they are typing then just do a spot check from time to time. Make it a provision for having the phone.
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You do realize that what you are asking to do is highly illegal and could land you in jail. Tapping someones phone is taken pretty seriously even if it is your kids. My advice? Drop it... You want to see what they are typing then just do a spot check from time to time. Make it a provision for having the phone.

ummm no? it's not illegal at all.... look around online... or any of Fox News or CBS news stories on it. You'll see millions of people monitor other spouses, kids, etc phones all the time legally by paying for services per month or just installing a one time invisible software on their phone

the only issue here is that it is a verizon LG VX8300 which is rather old, making this more complicated. It's not that I dont trust a bitch, it's just that I don't trust the bitch haha

id rather know if im getting played, thats all. I have plenty of cash to blow, I liked to spy when I was a little kid..... I still think it's fun, plus I just honestly want to see as a social experiment if a former ex-slut can really change to become "the new, wholesome girl that she's transformed into."
ummm no? it's not illegal at all.... look around online... or any of Fox News or CBS news stories on it. You'll see millions of people monitor other spouses, kids, etc phones all the time legally by paying for services per month or just installing a one time invisible software on their phone

the only issue here is that it is a verizon LG VX8300 which is rather old, making this more complicated. It's not that I dont trust a bitch, it's just that I don't trust the bitch haha

id rather know if im getting played, thats all. I have plenty of cash to blow, I liked to spy when I was a little kid..... I still think it's fun, plus I just honestly want to see as a social experiment if a former ex-slut can really change to become "the new, wholesome girl that she's transformed into."

First, you need to let her go if that is how you refer to her. You clearly don't deserve her....

Second, it is. I'm not going to dig up tons of cases for you but if you tap her phone and she finds out, she can use it against you and have you arrested for violating state and federal wire tap laws.

But surely if it is on the internet it must be legal... :rolleyes:
First, you need to let her go if that is how you refer to her. You clearly don't deserve her....

Second, it is. I'm not going to dig up tons of cases for you but if you tap her phone and she finds out, she can use it against you and have you arrested for violating state and federal wire tap laws.

But surely if it is on the internet it must be legal... :rolleyes:

I'm actually a really nice guy... and not any of this matters cause this is an anonymous forum for mac nerds essentially, but to sum it up only cause im pre-gaming and slightly buzzed i feel llike typing a bit quick:

Her: super cute, nice petite body, inherently smart, shy but unfortunately from a ****** rural blue collared what i consider white trash place in the middle of nowhere that is completely alien to me. I believe in Locke's epistemological thesis of the 'blank slate' thing for the most part - and this case, an otherwise smart, beautiful, innocent girl, was ruined by ****** parenting, as she fell into the wrong way at a early age. (Ever seen the movie Thirteen? ha) So she knew about nothing but getting drunk and partying, leading her to managing to get into one of the easiest Universities in my city and get some type of scholarship, where I happened to meet her.

Me: very privileged, cultured and highly ambitious kid from the exclusive area right outside of the city (damn that sounds so conceited haha), taking some time off from my school in another state, ended up meeting her and dating her for whatever reason... just something about her. Don't usually ever do the girlfriend thing.

Not to be cliche but its always money over bitches for me... i can her that she loves me a hundred times but it doesn't mean I trust her. One thing I learned at college is that girls are just as shiesty as guys, if not worse sometimes. But it came down to the drinking. Drinking controlled her life. All the fights we got into, all the ********, all the dumb **** she's done (almost fell through my 3rd floor bathroom window smashing all the glass, running off into the night into a dangerous area, just being out of control etc). She had no ambition besides partying, straight up. The only good thing that came out of the blackout drinking was a series of surreal 3-somes with her best friend who is far hotter than her. You wouldn't believe me if i tried to tell you...

But anyways it ****ing hurts just knowing the number of guys she's ****ed, and they were all only because of alcohol, taking advantage of her drinking problem. I believe it was a basic combination of her real shyness and low self esteem over a broken home/money that led her to this. Okay, sure, the past is the past...

Now fast foward almost 5 months later, I'm sorta shocked I'm still with her, between all the times she has ****ed up. but I'm not gona lie by now I have a big attachment to her. Who wouldn't after that period of time. Because of me she has had a huge revelation in her drinking, and has admitted everything to me and to herself. I gave her the choice: me or your old ways. She chose me. Things are pretty good now, she doesn't really drink at all, and if she does, it's only with me and in moderation. She reads a lot. I have helped her get a laptop, headphones and begin writing a semi-memoir/fiction book, as well as begin a monetized blog. She has enjoyed 8 nights in 4 star hotels thanks to me, dinners at the most lavish places... and if she plays her cards right and doesn't **** up, she might be able to stay with me and travel to some premiers VIP style.

And yes I am a huge hypocrite, I do love her, I think. But I have banged 2 other girls on stealth, just to make myself feel better about her slutting it out in the past year before she met me.

Bottom line, I'm a ****ing savior, so don't tell me I don't deserve her. Just asking a question about technology. thank you

And I believe because it is not running Symbain, Windows, Blackberry, Iphone or Android OS's that I cannot just pay the simple fee and tap into that ****.

Hate away, I just wanted to peep texts. Just have to buy her a new phone or something.
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HAHA that's really ironic..... cause I ****ing HATE bros and I hate ED HARDY and all that ****. I spend my summers skiing on a glacier throwing tricks off 60 foot jumps and getting my tan that way..... I have my own clothing company, collect nikes, love working with media and ****ing hate bros and everything they stand for. Especially the ones I know that have ****ed my GF in the past.

I even have a tee coming being released soon that is a pretty blatant mockary of Ed Hardy.... that says something like **** Ed Hardy but all in their design style and font. Hopefully wont get sued.

You guys are also the idiots who told me I wouldn't get a dollar out of - which although now Oodle Inc owns, which makes me want to cry sorta, I still made a free $2000 for doing nothing and breaking copyright infringement laws.

Ahhh.. I remember that thread. You're the guy that was pissing and moaning that you sold some lame domain and then were whining that you thought you could've held out for more.

It all makes sense now.
Ahhh.. I remember that thread. You're the guy that was pissing and moaning that you sold some lame domain and then were whining that you thought you could've held out for more.

It all makes sense now.

Yeah..... you could put it that way. Then I kinda realized that what's done is done, and that the company that served as the "middle man" who bought the actual domain from me, had a contract with Oodle Inc, so while I can fantasize about how I could of sold the domain directly to Oodle (who is now affiliated with Facebook obviously), I don't think that would of ever happened. Because then it would of gotten to the whole Cease & Desist thing.

**** happens for a reason. Life learned lessons.
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