Hi guys and gals! I am considering jailbreaking my 3G on 2.1 and was wondering is it worth it or will I just wreck my iPhone?
Don't mind the sig
Don't mind the sig
Hi guys and gals! I am considering jailbreaking my 3G on 2.1 and was wondering is it worth it or will I just wreck my iPhone?
Don't mind the sig
Hey, what would you say is the must have feature that you get with jailbreaking? And is there a fail-safe?
Like summerboard I presume?
So I could jailbreak it and if I didn't like it just restore to the legit fw?
Cycorder is one of the best iphone video recorders out there, it is available through cydia
Cycorder is one of the best iphone video recorders out there, it is available through cydia
There are many threads that address this. You should do a search.
BUT, since I'm here already, I'll give you my 2 cents. I was extremely reluctant to Jailbreak. I held off for over a year and finally took the plunge a few weeks ago. I can't imagine having an iPhone that WASN'T Jailbroken at this point. Do it. I now am constantly looking for new cool stuff to do to my phone. Also, so far, it has not affected stability or reliability one bit for me.
i'm in the same boat too.
i need a program, mentioned also in this thread, Searcher that actually is only in cydia.
I've an unlocked iPhone 3G 2.1.
What happens when 2.2 comes out if i jailbreak it ?
I've to jailbreak it again ? I'll loose all my unofficial applications, cydia, installer, etc ?
Yep and it even records well in low light conditions, unlike the actual camera on the iphone. The other day i was in a strip club and tested it out. Had the iphone in my shirt front pocket with the camera lense exposed. I was in there for 3 hours recording everything in front of me.
Safe? Yes
Worth it? Absolutely a non jailbroken iphone is an incomplete iphone.