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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 29, 2008
Ireland, unfortunately.
Hi guys and gals! I am considering jailbreaking my 3G on 2.1 and was wondering is it worth it or will I just wreck my iPhone?


Don't mind the sig
Hi guys and gals! I am considering jailbreaking my 3G on 2.1 and was wondering is it worth it or will I just wreck my iPhone?


Don't mind the sig

Safe? Yes

Worth it? Absolutely a non jailbroken iphone is an incomplete iphone.
There are many threads that address this. You should do a search.

BUT, since I'm here already, I'll give you my 2 cents. I was extremely reluctant to Jailbreak. I held off for over a year and finally took the plunge a few weeks ago. I can't imagine having an iPhone that WASN'T Jailbroken at this point. Do it. I now am constantly looking for new cool stuff to do to my phone. Also, so far, it has not affected stability or reliability one bit for me.
Sorry Rotobadger I was just lazy. Can you just restore the phone if it gets screwed up and is there any chance of the jailbroken content being harmful?

Safe? It's worked fine for me so far, and it's also very straightforward to un-jailbreak, so I don't see much risk in trying it.

Worth it? It just depends if there are any programs that you really want to use that require jailbreaking. If not, then there is no point in jailbreaking, unless you just get a kick out of being able to say you did it.

I jailbroke mainly to use tethering. With PdaNet it's now very easy to tether your iPhone to a laptop. Another program I like is Searcher, which gives you global search across all apps, like on the Palm OS. Many people seem to like jailbreak because of Winterboard, which lets you change the appearance of the iPhone OS. Other things I like, but which aren't directly useful to me, are the Terminal app and ssh server, which let me log into to my iPhone in a shell and explore the whole contents of the iPhone. Being a programmer and longtime Linux user, this is interesting to me, but probably the average user wouldn't care about this.
Like summerboard I presume?

Correct. Winterboard is for later firmware versions (2.x). I'm currently running a Jailbroken 3G on 2.1 (gonna put it up for sale soon) and a first gen phone on 1.1.4 also Jailbroken. The 1.1.4 has Summerboard which is cool but does not have as many bells and whistles as Winterboard.
Pwned iPhone? 100% Worth it.


Play Pandora/AOL Radio while performing other tasks using Backgrounder also helpful for any App you'd like to have load instantly like an RSS Feeds App.

Winterboard is beautiful and I despise the stock appearance; it does however, slow down the interface when installed. Take note. I said when installed! That means that even before you apply a theme it slightly reduces snappiness across the entire phone. Then applying a theme slows it another notch. This is all resolved by uninstalling through Cydia when you need the Vanilla 2.1 performance back.

PDANet allows my laptop to utilize the 3G AT&T network when I am outside of free WiFi range. I use it daily.

Cycorder is a video and audio recording application that frankly is FREE and worth Pwning alone.
Personally, I jailbroke and found nothing but problems on 2.1. Safari crashed almost everytime I opened a page. Back to springboard, back to springboard. I was gonna smash my phone.

Sad to say but i'm stuck using 2.01 for now. :mad:
Cycorder is one of the best iphone video recorders out there, it is available through cydia

As far as I know it is the ONLY video recorder out there besides Video Recorder for iPhone (which is 20 bucks).
Cycorder is one of the best iphone video recorders out there, it is available through cydia

Yep and it even records well in low light conditions, unlike the actual camera on the iphone. The other day i was in a strip club and tested it out. Had the iphone in my shirt front pocket with the camera lense exposed. I was in there for 3 hours recording everything in front of me.
Jailbreaking your phone is well worth it. Imagine you got a brand new laptop and only allowed to access a limited desktop, and not allowed to change the desktop or navigate using a different view. You can't add any background, can't create shortcuts, and all you have is the same boring icons on 8 available pages. Then you are restricted to download only the programs Apple deem as acceptable, which are essentially thousands of the same useless apps.

Reminds me of having the same old Dell computer that everyone else in Starbucks have, and worst of all, the same exact background and configuration.

Yep, that's how I feel about a non-jailbroken iPhone.
i'm in the same boat too.
i need a program, mentioned also in this thread, Searcher that actually is only in cydia.
I've an unlocked iPhone 3G 2.1.
What happens when 2.2 comes out if i jailbreak it ?
I've to jailbreak it again ? I'll loose all my unofficial applications, cydia, installer, etc ?
There are many threads that address this. You should do a search.

BUT, since I'm here already, I'll give you my 2 cents. I was extremely reluctant to Jailbreak. I held off for over a year and finally took the plunge a few weeks ago. I can't imagine having an iPhone that WASN'T Jailbroken at this point. Do it. I now am constantly looking for new cool stuff to do to my phone. Also, so far, it has not affected stability or reliability one bit for me.

i concur, doctor
there are lots of neat bells and whistles like themes and such to make your iphone prettier and blah blah, but BACKGROUNDER is probably the most worthy reason to jailbreak right now.
dont do it! the instant I jailbroke smoke came belowing out of my phone and conflagrated my home. Now I am reduced to living in a box:eek:
i'm in the same boat too.
i need a program, mentioned also in this thread, Searcher that actually is only in cydia.
I've an unlocked iPhone 3G 2.1.
What happens when 2.2 comes out if i jailbreak it ?
I've to jailbreak it again ? I'll loose all my unofficial applications, cydia, installer, etc ?

Yes. However, if you download AptBackup from Cydia, run it, and sync your phone to iTunes before you update your OS, you can recover it all back again in one click upon your next jailbreak.

Just download it again, click restore, and sync again.

Your settings will need to be manually restored again, but your Cydia apps will all be saved.

Anything that you install via SSH however, will need to be SSHed back into the phone again.
Yep and it even records well in low light conditions, unlike the actual camera on the iphone. The other day i was in a strip club and tested it out. Had the iphone in my shirt front pocket with the camera lense exposed. I was in there for 3 hours recording everything in front of me.
:D:D That's funny
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