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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 9, 2008
im currently running a 1.9 GHz PPC imac 17" with version 10.4.11. im wondering if it is worth the upgrade to leopard on my imac? will anything go slower? will all of my programs that i have saved on my external work once leopard is installed since all the programs were initailly run on tiger? i have so many questions but not yet have i found a solution. please help
If Leopard offers you features that you want, or you have applications that require it, then it might be worth it to you. I still run Tiger on a PPC and an Intel Mac and I haven't had the need to upgrade.

Not sure you will get that big of a performance hit, but I will let others respond to that.

Regarding your applications, make sure to check the developer's site to ensure that they are compatible with Leopard or if they have a patch/release to make it so.
The extra features are what would be worth upgrading for.

Finder "runs" faster to me because it displays icon previews much faster and offers quickly so I don't need to use preview to quickly see what something is.
In terms of responsiveness, it is very good, your Mac will be fine (bar the background image effects of iChat and Photobooth).

Also coverflow is helpful when viewing images on a camera memory stick, it used to suck in Tiger when I had to open up each image.

I've also had great use for Time machine, saves a lot of time.

Depends on how much you use the new features really, Tiger is still a very good and stable OS.
im currently running a 1.9 GHz PPC imac 17" with version 10.4.11. im wondering if it is worth the upgrade to leopard on my imac? will anything go slower? will all of my programs that i have saved on my external work once leopard is installed since all the programs were initailly run on tiger? i have so many questions but not yet have i found a solution. please help

I updated a 1GHz G4 iMac to Leopard and the performance loss was notable. The computer has only 768MB memory. It was usable, but the dock and all other animations were effected compared to Tiger performance on the same machine.

Your Mac is running nearly twice as fast and I would hope you have more memory. I'd imagine you will see some things that appear a tad slower, but overall should run OK.

With Leopard you gain a more versatile Spotlight, TimeMachine, Some new features in Finder (Coverflow, Quicklook), Spaces and a new dock pretty much round out the major new features. If you don't need these features it might not be worth it. OS X 10.4.11 is a pretty good and mature OS.
The OP's graphics card (x600?) would easily display the eye candy of stacks, cover flow and the rest. The above poster's much older G4 iMac graphics card would probably suffer with this kind of thing, the graphics card is the issue here.
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