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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 23, 2008
K, so I was hacken my iphone and crap and then I was liek, "Ima gonna restore my phone for now cause my jailbroken crap is screwed up." So I restored and I was legit again...

3 or 4 weeks later I try to text my friend and all the sudden I get the "error sending message" error thing. And from then on I couldn't send text messages. I could go into more depth but I don't feel like it.

So naturally I go to the apple store and get it checked out and the person and they were all confused and crap. So while we are sitting there wait for the guy to just say "ok lets go get a replacement" (it took him like an hour or so to find out that my problem was unifiable) my dad asks me if I have ever hacked my phone before. I was liek "ya of course." And about that entire time he is sitting there explaining to me that jailbreaking causes perminate damage and then he confused it with unlocking and some other weird conversation points came up.

Anyways, he apparently thought that modifying the firmware (through quickpwn) was a perminate thing that could not be reversed. I think he is still thinking of unlocking which is completely different. Either that or he thinks I'm modifying the bootloader.

So can you clairify the above?
Jailbreaking isn't permanent because you can just re-flash it with a stock Apple firmware.

Unlocking isn't permanent if you use yellowsn0w. If you get a Network Unlocking Code from your carrier and unlock that way then that might be permanent, but am not sure.
Nice grammar.

No, it's not permeant, but it does permanently void your warranty (But that is virtually un-detectable by Apple, unless you dad tells them). If you flash it again, it goes back to normal (with legit firmware). The only thing that you can really make permanent is the hardware. Tamper with that, and iTunes isn't going to be able to bail you out of that one.

But you didn't permanently do anything. So my solutions:
Have you tried a restore? It may fix the problem.
Try Jailbreaking then un-Jailbreaking again.
Take it to a different Apple store (or different person), and tell your dad to stay in the car! LOL

If all fails, showing the Apple staff won't convince them, So... Your SCREWED!
No, it's not permeant, but it does permanently void your warranty (But that is virtually un-detectable by Apple, unless you dad tells them)

Just to clarify:

If you jailbreak, Apple may refuse to service the device. If you do a DFU restore to stock firmware, however, there is no way that the service techs can detect that you were previously running a jailbroken iPhone -- at least not without pulling the chips off the board and doing a bit-level copy of all the data for forensic analysis (and even then, I'm not sure if they'd find any evidence.)

Here's the golden rule of jailbreaking, etc: If ever you screw up, or if you need to get your phone serviced, a DFU restore is the One True Answer (TM). :D
Nope you are fine! I have jailbroken my phone and needed to take it in for service. I restored it with iTunes and took it it, they replaced it no problem. The genius even requested to run a diagnostic on my phone before replacement and found nothing. He replaced it no question.

good luck with your endeavor
Thx guiz, btw I don't need help getting a new phone, already did that I just wanted to safely go back to jailbroken because its way better :D

Thanks again!!!
when in doubt, you can always restore via itunes

how do i restore via itunes?

im using the latest version of yellowsn0w and everytime i click restore, it would tell me to download the latest firmware, but i get scared because if i update i lose my ability to use yellowsn0w
Nice grammar indeed.

No, it's not permeant, but it does permanently void your warranty (But that is virtually un-detectable by Apple, unless you dad tells them). If you flash it again, it goes back to normal (with legit firmware). The only thing that you can really make permanent is the hardware. Tamper with that, and iTunes isn't going to be able to bail you out of that one.

But you didn't permanently do anything. So my solutions:
Have you tried a restore? It may fix the problem.
Try Jailbreaking then un-Jailbreaking again.
Take it to a different Apple store (or different person), and tell your dad to stay in the car! LOL

If all fails, showing the Apple staff won't convince them, So... Your SCREWED!

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