What's up all. I am trying to install a custom carrier logo on my 3G running 2.1 using XP (if any of that matters) and I cannot seem to get it to work. I've been reading lots of guides and double checking my work so I don't think I'm making any errors.
/Library/Themes/(theme name)/Bundles/com.apple.ATT_US
in which I placed my custom logos named: FSO_CARRIER_ATT.png & Default_CARRIER_ATT.png
Selected the theme in WB, rebooted and nothing, still AT&T. What makes me think Make it Mine had something to do with this is the fact that when I was using it, the instructions stated that if I kept the field blank (where you type in what carrier or banner name you want) and hit "carrier" it would restore my stock AT&T logo. That never happened, instead I had to manually type "AT&T" to get it back to normal.
Is it possible, even though I have uninstalled MIM, that it is preventing me from installing my own custom carrier logos? If so does anyone have any suggestions on how I would go about fixing this? I tried installing a different set of carrier logos and that didn't work either, so it isn't the files I'm using. I'd appreciate any help or advice, thanks a lot.
/Library/Themes/(theme name)/Bundles/com.apple.ATT_US
in which I placed my custom logos named: FSO_CARRIER_ATT.png & Default_CARRIER_ATT.png
Selected the theme in WB, rebooted and nothing, still AT&T. What makes me think Make it Mine had something to do with this is the fact that when I was using it, the instructions stated that if I kept the field blank (where you type in what carrier or banner name you want) and hit "carrier" it would restore my stock AT&T logo. That never happened, instead I had to manually type "AT&T" to get it back to normal.
Is it possible, even though I have uninstalled MIM, that it is preventing me from installing my own custom carrier logos? If so does anyone have any suggestions on how I would go about fixing this? I tried installing a different set of carrier logos and that didn't work either, so it isn't the files I'm using. I'd appreciate any help or advice, thanks a lot.