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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2016
I have a Macbook Air (2010) OS 10.10.4

Today I was on the computer and my iSight camera light randomly came on. I quickly checked my dock to see if anything was running that I wasn't aware of. I saw that Java was opened and when I clicked the icon it came up as 'stub'. I immediately closed the program and my camera light turned off. The whole thing lasted under 60 seconds, but it now has me worried.

I have Skype and FaceTime on my computer but I haven't used either of those in months. I believe Java is no longer safe so I uninstalled it. I have no idea what this stub means or what it does, this kind of thing has never happened to me before. Is it possible that I have malware on my computer that I don't know about? Am I hacked? Should I update my OS? Somebody please help.
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