my two yr. old intel imac (2ghz, 2 gigs of ram) started getting slow out of the blue while running iphoto. thought maybe because the hd was almost full w/video, so i put everything onto an external hd and am now operating w/123gigs of available hd space. well, that did NOTHING! now my desktop won't even build. i just get the grey screen w/the apple and spinner for hours. sometimes instead of the apple, i get either a file w/a question mark on it, or a circle w/a slash through it. (like a no-smoking sign) tried removing ram cards to see if it would work. well, kind of. my desktop would build, but as soon as i try to open an app, i get the eternal spinning pin wheel. great. tried running disk utilities from startup disk. came up w/some errors, and then THAT locked up after 5 hours. aborted that process and then selected "repair disk" and it told me no errors were found. go figure. my next idea was to install osx to an external hd so i could boot from that. can't do that because NOW what happens is when i boot from the install c.d. and try to do an install, i'm locking up (spinning pinwheel) before i can even get to the point where you select which drive you want to install to. 3 times in a row. i thought maybe my hd was fried but now i'm not sure what to think whereas the computer locks up even on an install disc. what a disappointment. i have 2 other macs over 6 years old that are still going strong so i opted out of applecare on this one of course. so..... any of you geniuses have any ideas? i'm all out of 'em.