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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2009
Here’s the deal. I ordered the base 27" Core 2 Duo with the 'upgraded' 4850 a couple of days ago.

Then I cancelled it...which could be a mistake now that shipping dates look to be getting further away.

I've been living with just a MacBook for the last couple of years, and now I've decided to get myself a desktop at long last. I want to see it as an investment that will last me as long as possible since I'm not getting any richer. The reason I cancelled the order was that I'm in two minds whether to pay the extra £100 for the i5 with the impression that it will last me a couple of years more than the Core 2 Duo (The i7 is way too much for what I know I need it for, and I don’t justify yet more money ‘just because’). I also don’t warrant spending £1400+ on a desktop with basically the same processor as my laptop =o/

So. I mainly want a desktop back because I miss having an adjustable margin between monitor and keyboard (sounds crazy, but you know how it is using laptops all the time) and although I don’t consider myself a hardcore gamer, I’m hoping to Boot Camp Windows 7 to play some fairly modern games (Half Life 2+, Fallout 3, COD, UT3 etc.). I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop/Illustrator and I dabble in programming/web development – all of which I will probably be doing more of with a desktop.

So. Would the i5 be a better investment/will it last ‘longer’ than the C2D? Or is it more than I need – as opposed to what I want - for what intend to use it for? I understand that over the years the programs I use will be more demanding, though again I know that the C2D is still a pretty good processor to have right now.

Typical ‘Need’ vs. ‘Want’ game, methinks. That and I hate making decisions – especially ones that cost money >.<
Here’s the deal. I ordered the base 27" Core 2 Duo with the 'upgraded' 4850 a couple of days ago.

Then I cancelled it...which could be a mistake now that shipping dates look to be getting further away.

I've been living with just a MacBook for the last couple of years, and now I've decided to get myself a desktop at long last. I want to see it as an investment that will last me as long as possible since I'm not getting any richer. The reason I cancelled the order was that I'm in two minds whether to pay the extra £100 for the i5 with the impression that it will last me a couple of years more than the Core 2 Duo (The i7 is way too much for what I know I need it for, and I don’t justify yet more money ‘just because’). I also don’t warrant spending £1400+ on a desktop with basically the same processor as my laptop =o/

So. I mainly want a desktop back because I miss having an adjustable margin between monitor and keyboard (sounds crazy, but you know how it is using laptops all the time) and although I don’t consider myself a hardcore gamer, I’m hoping to Boot Camp Windows 7 to play some fairly modern games (Half Life 2+, Fallout 3, COD, UT3 etc.). I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop/Illustrator and I dabble in programming/web development – all of which I will probably be doing more of with a desktop.

So. Would the i5 be a better investment/will it last ‘longer’ than the C2D? Or is it more than I need – as opposed to what I want - for what intend to use it for? I understand that over the years the programs I use will be more demanding, though again I know that the C2D is still a pretty good processor to have right now.

Typical ‘Need’ vs. ‘Want’ game, methinks. That and I hate making decisions – especially ones that cost money >.<

This is my exact same situation :) Except I've already purchased my 27inch c2d but have 10 days left to return it. Only reason Im thinking of getting a full refund and waiting for the i5 is that i have an intermittent fault where a white line flashes from left to right across the screen.
The i5 is clearly the better choice. The price increase minimal when you are upgrading to the 4850 anyway. You might not need the extra power today, but you'll want it in the future. And it will help your resale value. Get the i5.
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