Heres the deal. I ordered the base 27" Core 2 Duo with the 'upgraded' 4850 a couple of days ago.
Then I cancelled it...which could be a mistake now that shipping dates look to be getting further away.
I've been living with just a MacBook for the last couple of years, and now I've decided to get myself a desktop at long last. I want to see it as an investment that will last me as long as possible since I'm not getting any richer. The reason I cancelled the order was that I'm in two minds whether to pay the extra £100 for the i5 with the impression that it will last me a couple of years more than the Core 2 Duo (The i7 is way too much for what I know I need it for, and I dont justify yet more money just because). I also dont warrant spending £1400+ on a desktop with basically the same processor as my laptop =o/
So. I mainly want a desktop back because I miss having an adjustable margin between monitor and keyboard (sounds crazy, but you know how it is using laptops all the time) and although I dont consider myself a hardcore gamer, Im hoping to Boot Camp Windows 7 to play some fairly modern games (Half Life 2+, Fallout 3, COD, UT3 etc.). I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop/Illustrator and I dabble in programming/web development all of which I will probably be doing more of with a desktop.
So. Would the i5 be a better investment/will it last longer than the C2D? Or is it more than I need as opposed to what I want - for what intend to use it for? I understand that over the years the programs I use will be more demanding, though again I know that the C2D is still a pretty good processor to have right now.
Typical Need vs. Want game, methinks. That and I hate making decisions especially ones that cost money >.<
Then I cancelled it...which could be a mistake now that shipping dates look to be getting further away.
I've been living with just a MacBook for the last couple of years, and now I've decided to get myself a desktop at long last. I want to see it as an investment that will last me as long as possible since I'm not getting any richer. The reason I cancelled the order was that I'm in two minds whether to pay the extra £100 for the i5 with the impression that it will last me a couple of years more than the Core 2 Duo (The i7 is way too much for what I know I need it for, and I dont justify yet more money just because). I also dont warrant spending £1400+ on a desktop with basically the same processor as my laptop =o/
So. I mainly want a desktop back because I miss having an adjustable margin between monitor and keyboard (sounds crazy, but you know how it is using laptops all the time) and although I dont consider myself a hardcore gamer, Im hoping to Boot Camp Windows 7 to play some fairly modern games (Half Life 2+, Fallout 3, COD, UT3 etc.). I also spend a lot of time in Photoshop/Illustrator and I dabble in programming/web development all of which I will probably be doing more of with a desktop.
So. Would the i5 be a better investment/will it last longer than the C2D? Or is it more than I need as opposed to what I want - for what intend to use it for? I understand that over the years the programs I use will be more demanding, though again I know that the C2D is still a pretty good processor to have right now.
Typical Need vs. Want game, methinks. That and I hate making decisions especially ones that cost money >.<