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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Hello there

I'm going to go into another college semester and am currently looking at the iPad. I have a 17" MBP and am tired of carrying the giant around with me all day so I'm looking for a more elegant solution. I've tried to use net books and I just can't wrap my head around them, mainly because most OS's aren't designed for such low screens (I've tried ubuntu net book remix and regular ubuntu).

I know that the iPad is not a laptop replacement, that's why I mentioned that I had a macbook. I have the apple bluetooth keyboard already. Here are my uses for the device:

-- Editing and creating essays with the ability to export to Pages desktop client for things the iPad client can't handle, like printing.

-- Ability to copy and paste word processing reports to my online courses "discussion boards (very much like this forum, but uses a program called blackboard).

-- Downloading .rtf files and viewing them

So what do you guys think. Will all of this possible and is there anything I should know about? will I get pissed off by any limitations using this? Has anyone used this for college?

***I know there are many threads in forums about using an iPad for college, I used the search, but majority of those topics are with individuals using it as a complete laptop replacement rather than a compliment.***
You have the right idea and I think you won't be disappointed. As long as you're realistic about what the iPad can and cannot do, you'll enjoy the iPad.

Check if your school has enabled Blackboard Mobile, the iPad has a nice Blackboard app.

Sounsd like you're on the right track, get an iPad and enjoy it.
I'd say GO FOR IT...

The iPad has quite a few Notebook type applications which can record audio of your lectures while you type (silently) on the iPad's virtual keyboard. Later on, you can go to the library or your dorm or whatever and listen to the lecture again.. pausing it whenever you want to type some more detailed notes (or edit/correct your earlier notes). Once you have your notes done, you can email them or sync them to your MBP to finish up in Pages or whatever.

I got my 32Gb 3G iPad last Thursday and I haven't put it down since... Except when I'm asleep of course :D
Mine sleeps next to the bed, in case I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas that don't involve my wife (sorry!).

Writers curse.

It sounds like an iPad would be useful for you. Like you I also have a MacBook, but I very rarely use that when I'm out and about these days - the iPad is MUCH more handy (and 'instant on). I sync my notes back to my MacBook using the great EverNote app, and then write them up in OpenOffice. So it's not *replaced* my MacBookPro, it's sort of supplemented it. I find I'm actually keeping far better, more frequent notes... that I dont then loose accidentally! The paper pad I used to carry around with me has been completely replaced by the iPad.
You should go for it. It is a great device for college students, especially if your school uses websites like BlackBoard or Sakai or etc. Since many professors upload notes on these sites, you'll always have them handly on the iPad without the added bulk of a laptop or in your case: 17 inches (which honestly doesn't leave any space on the desk to do your work on).
I bought an iPad primarily for work as I was in the same situation where I was sick and tired of carrying around my HP laptop to every meeting and as carry on for every flight.

Now it sits at home 24/7 unless I specifically need it for something, which is not often. iPad is light, user friendly, lasts all day and night, manages my emails, acts as my newspaper and best of all I no longer need notepads and pens (which inevitably get lost, torn, worn or forgotten about).

Its redefined the way I work and even my surfing habits at home have changed. My study is now used between 9-5 and after that I find little reason to go in there. The iPad is normally an arm's reach away. :)

You guys are such enablers! haha, thanks everyone, I've decided to go for it.

and hopefully this topic will help someone else in the future.
Also, there are quite a few printing applications that work really well with the iPad. iPad not printing is a myth.
For serious typing stuff, you might need a keyboard, and, iPad really can not replace laptop totally, that's for sure.
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