I love my 2010 iMac. However, when it comes to professional work, my iMac just doesn't hack it. My workload is increasing and the demands are getting higher for 3D Motion Graphic work. C4D takes FOREVER to render projects(and these are simple animations).
I considered buying a Mac Pro, but i'm not sure if this is a good decision based on the current state of apple.
In short, apple has the consumer market mastered. But they have a long ways to go in the professional realm. I'm sorry if this thread has been created before.
I know that tons of professionals frequent this forum. I would like to know how you guys feel about apple and their current attention to the professional market.
I considered buying a Mac Pro, but i'm not sure if this is a good decision based on the current state of apple.
- They Seem to be catering towards the consumer and pushing away developers and professionals
- Everything software they update actually takes it a step backwards (FCPX)
- All plug-ins for Photoshop, After Effects, VSTS, etc.. they are available for windows first & some of them don't even get ported over to the mac at all
- Apple waits to long to update their hardware line (ie. Mac Pro) and when they do update their hardware, it's still behind. I miss the days when apple was really "Cutting-Edge" in regards to hardware.
In short, apple has the consumer market mastered. But they have a long ways to go in the professional realm. I'm sorry if this thread has been created before.
I know that tons of professionals frequent this forum. I would like to know how you guys feel about apple and their current attention to the professional market.