I'm trying to get the files i need before i jailbreak my iphone 3GS. I'm having trouble getting the iBSS, then I looked on here http://www.ihackintosh.com/2009/06/ibss-certificate-jailbreak-iphone-3gs/, and at steps 10 and 11 it says enter the ECID in purplera1n.com and save the iBSS certificate. So does this mean that the purplera1nyday thing I saved is the iBSS, or do i need to get that elsewhere? I got the iBEC via the iBSS and iBEC grabber, but that thing didn't give me the iBSS (as far as i can tell)
EDIT: I've been looking for the files shown below step 3 on this page: http://www.topiphoneresource.info/iphone-3gs-jailbreak-ibec-ibss-files/. I have the iBEC one, but not the iBSS one. I searched my computer (i'm running vista) and there is no iBSS that it can find
EDIT: I've been looking for the files shown below step 3 on this page: http://www.topiphoneresource.info/iphone-3gs-jailbreak-ibec-ibss-files/. I have the iBEC one, but not the iBSS one. I searched my computer (i'm running vista) and there is no iBSS that it can find