If I may... This is a huge problem though, for myself and others too I'm sure.
You wait a month or two until October... Then they're updated and you get a new one *or* they're not.
Let's say they aren't... What happens then? Well we know there's an event in January 2009, which is only about 2 months on past October, so why not wait for that? After all, we're pretty much *sure* something big will happen then...
What if by some weird fluke they aren't updated then though? Or they are, but don't have something like Blu-Ray and the user wants that? Surely rumors will fly around saying Blu-Ray is on the horizon... Just wait a bit longer....!!
Argh! After a while, you've waited 6 months, a year, forever even!
At the moment, I'd say *don't* buy a Macbook, at least not unless it's a Pro because frankly I think their design is almost timeless. However for anything else, it's a huge P.I.T.A. waiting for so long. Anyway, even if you do wait, something else you want *will* be on the horizon when you go to buy it, that's the way Apple and many other companies work. They keep putting things in so that you have to keep buying new ones!
A bit of a rant there, but it's something that's driving me insane at the moment, because I don't want to wait but I feel obligated. I think I'm going to just bite the bullet and get an Alu 24" iMac as soon as this damn credit card arrives. They look incredible anyway.