I have the MaxDaddy 2tb Mac mini 16gb. with the latest update as of this date, and smart switch for Mac gets stuck halfway through.
I am currently using a usb-c thumb drive to back up ALL my note 10+ data using smarrtswitch on the phone.
The native phone app also allows you to use the micro sd card if you have enough room. not all Samsungs have a micro sd slot either.... but I think the s8+ has one, since it was my last phone, and I ALWAYS buy phones with that useability feature, id say you're golden.
Smart Switch, on the Galaxy device, also Encrypts your Data being backed up and you will need your Samsung account log in and password to access it.
Alternatively, you can just wirelessly use smart switch to transfer your stuff to a new device. or use a cable intended for that.
iPhones have their own migration assistant for moving to apple phones from Samsung.
Good luck. and are prepared to wait 4 Freakin Hours to back up a power users data to thumb drive (this ones fast, but I think its the encryption that takes forever.)