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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 5, 2014
So I know there are a ton of ways to "show" the desktop on a Mac. Hot corners, F11, and 3 fingers pinch out.

But all this does is push the other windows aside (You can see still them in the corners of the screen)

Is there a real way to get to the desktop on Mac? When you click "Show Desktop" on a Windows computer, it actually minimes all your apps and shows your desktop.... how about that.

For what I'm trying to do, sometimes I need to just GO TO the desktop. So I minimize every single app I have. Very annoying.

Any 3rd party apps I can download that will accomplish this?
I just keep an empty space and swipe to that when I need a clear desktop to access a file that's sitting on my desktop.
I use the " Hot Corners" and set the lower left corner to remove all the open windows and have a clear view of the desktop.

Just move the mouse to the lower corner and it moves everything out of view - move the mouse back again it back and it puts all the windows back.

Works great for multiple screens too
I use the " Hot Corners" and set the lower left corner to remove all the open windows and have a clear view of the desktop.

Just move the mouse to the lower corner and it moves everything out of view - move the mouse back again it back and it puts all the windows back.

Works great for multiple screens too

Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. I want to know a way to get to my desktop without moving everything almost out of view. I want to 100% be on my desktop as if I manually minimized all my open apps.
I just keep an empty space and swipe to that when I need a clear desktop to access a file that's sitting on my desktop.

Hmm, what do you mean exactly?
CMD+Alt+H+M all that did was give me black screen with a tiny 340x480 window.

This is while i'm in firefox.

I too want what the OP wants
CMD+Alt+H+M all that did was give me black screen with a tiny 340x480 window.

This is while i'm in firefox.

I too want what the OP wants

Weird, I tried that multiple times on my MBP with Sierra and it works.

Did you try Cmd+Alt + click on the desktop?
›If in firefox and I push CMD+Alt how do I click desktop?

there is no desktop to click on.

Below is CMD+Alt+H+M

Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 13.32.19.png
So I know there are a ton of ways to "show" the desktop on a Mac. Hot corners, F11, and 3 fingers pinch out.

But all this does is push the other windows aside (You can see still them in the corners of the screen)
No. That IS the desktop. You can do anything you want to do with those files you see, while the windows stay at the edges of the display.
I think OP what equizalent to Window key + D on a windows PC.

so everything minimized to dock in mac without the "desktop with border".
›If in firefox and I push CMD+Alt how do I click desktop?

there is no desktop to click on.

Well, yes, that only works if you have a part of the desktop visible. If everything is full screen, that won't work.

And apparently Firefox intercepts Cmd-Alt-M-H, so nothing you can do there either I guess. Those were the only solutions I had up my sleeve.
From El Capitan onward you can no longer create a keyboard shortcut to run an app, which is unfortunate.

I've got an Automator created app that runs an Applescript that switches to the Finder and then hides all other apps.

Attaching it here if anyone's interested.


  • Show Finder Hide
    1.5 MB · Views: 305
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Reactions: Weaselboy
tell application "Finder" to activate
tell application "System Events"
    tell application process "Finder"
        tell menu bar 1
            click menu item "Hide Others" of menu of menu bar item "Finder"
            click menu item "Minimize All" of menu of menu bar item "Window"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

I'm doing something similar to what BrianBaughn mentioned, only using Alfred. You could also just use Script Editor to paste this in and save as an application in the Dock then just click it to execute. Or launch the app from Spotlight.
Another option, right click on the Dock Finder icon, hold option and select Hide Others.
For me that only hid firefox (which I was using at time), but not thunderbird or chrome.

Had do that process twice to get to desktop.
But works
So I know there are a ton of ways to "show" the desktop on a Mac. Hot corners, F11, and 3 fingers pinch out.

But all this does is push the other windows aside (You can see still them in the corners of the screen)

Is there a real way to get to the desktop on Mac? When you click "Show Desktop" on a Windows computer, it actually minimes all your apps and shows your desktop.... how about that.

For what I'm trying to do, sometimes I need to just GO TO the desktop. So I minimize every single app I have. Very annoying.

Any 3rd party apps I can download that will accomplish this?
As one of the other posters wrote, go to Mission Control, add a blank desktop and leave it. Then, you can 4-finger swipe over to a blank desktop.
Alfred should do what you want:

Create short cut

I use Alfred daily q + enter closes all open apps.

I assume that a shortcut could be made.
I dont use the functionality of Alfred enough some forum members may step in with a quick solution.
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