Yes, they are a lot of cool apps available for jailbroken devices, that are simply not possible with Apple's SDK-kosher rule for developers. One big advantages is the ability to change icons and themes.
Yes, they are a lot of cool apps available for jailbroken devices, that are simply not possible with Apple's SDK-kosher rule for developers. One big advantages is the ability to change icons and themes.
if you already have cydia installed with openssh then you just need to login to the iPhone via an ftp client using the IP address under wifi in the settings section with root as username and alpine as password and go to /applications/ and remove the folder and respring or reboot iphone
if you already have cydia installed with openssh then you just need to login to the iPhone via an ftp client using the IP address under wifi in the settings section with root as username and alpine as password and go to /applications/ and remove the folder and respring or reboot iphone