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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2010
I'm receiving way too many spam emails and some appear to be from myself. Is there any software or online tool that I can use to either monitor my mac or provide a reliable system scan? I know that with Mac's they are meant to be secure from these things but with more sophisticated malware out there I just don't know if having the mac left to protect itself is enough.
I'm receiving way too many spam emails

Is there any software or online tool that I can use to either monitor my mac or provide a reliable system scan?

I just don't know if having the mac left to protect itself is enough.

These are all entirely separate beasts. For email you can install a spam filter such as SpamSieve. A system scan implies that you want a virus/malware scanner, such as Intego virus barrier. But there are hardware solutions as well, such as an external smart firewall ....
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