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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 1, 2009
I'm trying to check to see if all of my photos were imported. Is there any way to display photos from an Apple Photos album as a list?
The following AppleScript will list the name of every photo currently selected. To use it, open Script Editor and paste the code. Open Photos then in the album in question, select all photos in the album (Cmd+A). Then in Script Editor run the script. It will display a dialog box with all the file names listed.

tell application "Photos"
    -- Get the selected photos
    set selectedPhotos to selection
    -- Initialize an empty list to store filenames
    set filenameList to {}
    -- Loop through the selected photos
    repeat with aPhoto in selectedPhotos
        -- Get the filename of each photo
        set photoFilename to filename of aPhoto
        -- Add the filename to the list
        set end of filenameList to photoFilename
    end repeat
    -- Display the sorted list of filenames
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
    display dialog "Selected Photo Filenames:" default answer (filenameList as text)
end tell
To answer the question "were all my photos imported" vs "display photos in an Album in a list" then you could also my free open source tool OSXPhotos to check a directory of files to see if they've been imported. The following command line will list files that have not been imported yet:

osxphotos import --check-not /path/to/files

This prints a list of all files in "/path/to/files" that have not been imported to Photos. If your folder has subfolders with photos, add "--walk" to the command:

osxphotos import --check-not --walk /path/to/folder
Hey @RhetTbull although I haven't used it yet, I took a look at your oxphotos utility on Github and it looks stunningly good with options for every conceiveable usage ! What a fantastic job you've done with this 👌

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