I just bought a new eMac a few weeks ago (upgraded from my Beige PowerMac G3/OS9). I'm still getting used to OS X. My question is around the use of the keyboard. I'm a big keyboard fan... if I can keep my hands on the keyboard, I'm happy not to have to move over to the mouse. So, I'm looking for any way to enable keyboard shortcuts. In particular, I'd like to be able to pull down menus from the keyboard (because I tend to forget the keyboard shortcuts... which you can't see unless you CLICK on the menu item). It took a while to figure out that Command-BackSpace would send a selected item to the trash.
So... any help would be greatly appreciated, including a place to look up common and hidden keyboard shortcuts.
===[ Hoven ]===
So... any help would be greatly appreciated, including a place to look up common and hidden keyboard shortcuts.
===[ Hoven ]===