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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 12, 2010
This may seem like an odd request, but I've been using my iPad to take notes, and in two hour long classes, it's distracting and depressing to see what the time is. I've not found a way to turn it off in the settings. Any ideas?
This may seem like an odd request, but I've been using my iPad to take notes, and in two hour long classes, it's distracting and depressing to see what the time is. I've not found a way to turn it off in the settings. Any ideas?
Haha, I saw the title i was like,"Why would anyone want to take the time off the screen"! Now that I see why, it makes sense :D

Sorry I can't be more helpful though :(
Haha, I saw the title i was like,"Why would anyone want to take the time off the screen"! Now that I see why, it makes sense :D

Sorry I can't be more helpful though :(

I know! It's horrible seeing the time during a long class. Another thing I hate is when they put the clock above the drawing/chalkboard. I'm tempted to take notes on my MBP again just because I can turn off the clock, but I doubt my battery would last in it's current status.
I think you may be able to do it if you jailbreak your iPad. I remember when I jailbroke my touch, there was a way to hide the status bar, which would hide the time. Hopefully that method also works on iPad.
Night Spring said:
I think you may be able to do it if you jailbreak your iPad. I remember when I jailbroke my touch, there was a way to hide the status bar, which would hide the time. Hopefully that method also works on iPad.

My iPad is jail you remember the name of the program that lets you do that?
check with SBS Settings available when you jailbreak. I think it will let your turn off/on all of the notifications.
My iPad is jail you remember the name of the program that lets you do that?

The way I did it involved editing a config file within the app whose status bar I wanted to hide. I think an app came out later that automated the process, but I'm not sure. If you can't find it, I'd ask in the iPhone hacks forum, as there's more traffic there, so you are more likely to get a response.
I have a way that doesn't involve extra materials...

Jailbreak and install Make It Mine. Type something into the box and hit "Banner" and it will take the place of the clock, so you only see what you typed, and nothing else. If you type a few spaces, it would just be blank instead of the clock. To undo this, just hit banner with nothing typed into the box.
Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom.

Leave it at the small zoom default (or set to your specs if need be) and then just use the 3-finger double tap when you want to hide the top bar.

Works 100% for me (right now lol) and doesn't mean you need to jailbreak or install unnecessary apps- if they do exist.
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