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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
Do you have a favorite or two that you never see anyone commenting on? One you happened to stumble upon yourself yet it has little to no word of mouth or written support?

I am amused by Puzzllotto but I've never read on any forum anyones take on this game.
That one is cool.
I just downloaded it myself. Seems gimmicky to me, but after reading the description and the additional areas that have recently been added/upgraded, along with the lower price, done and done!
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I am addicted to the game iDigit.
app store links guys!!

all you have to do is type app and /app with [ ] ill use app backwards so you can see [ppa]idigit[/ppa]

i always die on i dig it and have to restart after like 2 hours of play
Agree with a poster here, Instapaper is great!

23 Ways to Destroy Your Defender. At 99 cents, the high quality vids, and great points along with moves from the stars makes this an app for any aspiring basketball player. I just enjoy dribbling, and trying new stuff out, but it might be useful for my son who's quite involved with Basketball now.
Mobile Air Mouse - It might not be quite as good as a Logitech Divino Mini but it works great for browsing and controlling Plex with a Mac mini HTPC. That and it is only $2.99 compared to $150+ for the Divino mini.
[app]Now Playing[/app] is the best movie app I've ever used, hands down. The dev also is very very helpful.
that developer also has [app]Blue Defense![/app]

an app that I use all the time that allows me to know when apps have price dropped or when new apps are added to the store, AND ACTUALLY WORKS, is [app]PandoraBox[/app]
[app]natural cures[/app]

I am a nutrition major and I work in a nutrition store, I use this app to fresh up on some supplements and vitamin info. Really helpful way to study. Also has a news section which actually gives you scientific evidence behind some new claims. Really helpful, but dont get carried away an call yourself a nutritionist, lol. (I already have enough people to shut down and just tell them no, you're not a nutritionist)
I like Mobile allowance. Its a really nifty program which shows your usage in an app.
"Is There an App You Like that No One Ever Talks about?"

Fight Club.

Nobody talks about Fight Club.

... Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

But someone should make such an app!
[app]Now Playing[/app] is the best movie app I've ever used, hands down. The dev also is very very helpful.
I agree.

If only they could get it where when you rank a movie via the NetFlix integration, that it also would update Facebook via Netflix's Facebook integration.

That would make this app 5 star for me.

As of now, it's a 4.8. :D

(And I just use NetFlix's web site to do my movie rankings, but that's one extra icon on my phone. lol)
There are so many awesome unknown apps out there, it's a crime they all go unnoticed.

I like going to and just typing in keywords of cool apps or app ideas and browse through with filters. The "crap apps" seem to make up a large percentage of the industry, but you can sift through the crap rather quickly.
I find the Star rating system is does one get 5 stars with no votes etc? Developers with greedy and big egos is how.

The reviews and votes to me determine the better apps, or I should say more HONEST results. is the only place you can filter your apps at all kinds of levels.
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