Please for my sake and the sake of every desktop publisher out here, get your kids OFF Publisher. It is one of the largest headaches in commercial printing and should be outlawed as far as we are concerned. I have been at this for over 30 years (the last 20 as a desktop publisher) and I have seen and used just about every application for the trade. I know the top apps are expensive but you can still find PageMaker rather inexpensive
but can be found maybe on e-bay or amazon.
Quark (unless you upgrade will run you $950)
which to me is ludicrous.
Adobe InDesign if purchased individually will run about $700
We struggle with Publisher and groan every time one of our customers submits a job in Publisher, but at the bundle price of $29 we have to try and make them work or end up loosing business. we try to educate our customers, but the age old saying comes to play money talks.
here are some alternatives to look at
Good shopping layout software,search_box--1,sfsk--1.html
P.S. Publisher is a PC only software and one of Microsofts worse attempts to gain any favor from the DTP crowd.