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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 9, 2022
Hello everyone.

I'm new here and I hope someone can help me out. Is there any possible way this location on find my friends is wrong?

I've attached 2 images. This location is a hotel.

I have time stamps at this location from 2:35 AM (it shows a parking spot, the same one in the second image at 8:10 AM).
2:43 AM (the first image attached).
3:00 AM
3:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:10 AM (the parking spot again, same one from 2:35 AM when this person arrived).

What're the odds that this geolocation was wrong and that this person wasn't at a hotel from 2:35 AM -> 8:10 AM?

Time stamp 1.jpg

time stamp 2.jpg

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
I would ask where the person was supposed to be. If the person was supposed to be close by to the hotel, then there is a chance that it is wrong.

But, based on your post, I am pretty sure the person wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the hotel.

What're the odds that this geolocation was wrong and that this person wasn't at a hotel from 2:35 AM -> 8:10 AM?
Yes, it could be wrong. The odds though, extremely low, imo.

Between that and the fact you were already checking someone's location, you most likely already have your answer.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
No GPS device is truly 100% accurate. There is a margin of error as the positioning is calculated based of the signal received and its timestamp. That is why you see those jumps in regular GPS. To have the most exact location, you have to be without anything between you and at least 4 satellites. In other words, outside.

Inside a hotel, you get signal degradation which can cause errors due to the time calculations. Furthermore, you also loose accuracy as you may not have more satellite signals acquired.

This isn't just the iPhone, it's all GPS devices.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 9, 2022
To have the most exact location, you have to be without anything between you and at least 4 satellites. In other words, outside.

With this is mind... what does this mean about the two time stamps, of her outside in the parking spot when she arrived and when she left. The find my friends circle was very small indicating an almost precise location... while outside. Correct?


macrumors G5
May 30, 2002
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oh man, I could guess where the potential of this inquiry could be coming from based on the FindMyFirends pic.

That said iOS could have the setting on your friends phone set to not precise location. Not sure what else is close but that is an option in iOS for at least the last to major versions right?

Also it’s possible the person chose not to continue sharing or limited the sharing to a much lower time frame. I’m curious if you kept the app opened, the friend shared non precise location and only shared for 30mins. And you kept checking that long would the FindMy app continue to show the last known location or would it drop any location due to the limited time shared?

Honestly I don’t know as I don’t use this feature. I’d probably use it at a rave due to a buddy system if lost or finding someone though.


macrumors 65832
May 7, 2009
The odds that the location was wrong are low to non-existent. What's important is that you check what it says below on the Find My screen that you didn't show in the screenshot: was the location live? Or updated a certain amount of minutes ago? If Find My gets "stuck" it could be that it shows "10 minutes ago" and the person moved elsewhere in the meantime. But if it shows "Live" or "now", you can be sure it's absolutely correct, especially if the circle is small.

Now, I said "low to non-existent". These are the cases where it can still be wrong despite the small circle, and even if it shows "now" or "live":

- the person is carrying a mobile wifi hotspot with her. Apple's augmented GPS can get confused with mobile wifi hotspots as they are usually also tied to a location. If you move elsewhere with said hotspot, that location is of course wrong, and if the person happens to have no GPS reception in that location, the iPhone will use the known wifi hotspot location to pinpoint the person's location

- the person is actively trying to mislead you by faking their GPS position. This can be done if you're a bit tech-savvy and connect the iPhone to a Mac, then use Xcode to simulate a different location or use an app like MockGo to do so (still needs a physical connection to a Mac)

Other than these, I cannot see any situations where a location is just completely wrong *and* indicated as precise by a small circle in the Find My app. I've been using Find My for years: it either works and is correct, or else it fails and shows no location at all, but never a wrong location.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 9, 2022
The odds that the location was wrong are low to non-existent. What's important is that you check what it says below on the Find My screen that you didn't show in the screenshot: was the location live? Or updated a certain amount of minutes ago? If Find My gets "stuck" it could be that it shows "10 minutes ago" and the person moved elsewhere in the meantime. But if it shows "Live" or "now", you can be sure it's absolutely correct, especially if the circle is small.

Now, I said "low to non-existent". These are the cases where it can still be wrong despite the small circle, and even if it shows "now" or "live":

- the person is carrying a mobile wifi hotspot with her. Apple's augmented GPS can get confused with mobile wifi hotspots as they are usually also tied to a location. If you move elsewhere with said hotspot, that location is of course wrong, and if the person happens to have no GPS reception in that location, the iPhone will use the known wifi hotspot location to pinpoint the person's location

- the person is actively trying to mislead you by faking their GPS position. This can be done if you're a bit tech-savvy and connect the iPhone to a Mac, then use Xcode to simulate a different location or use an app like MockGo to do so (still needs a physical connection to a Mac)

Other than these, I cannot see any situations where a location is just completely wrong *and* indicated as precise by a small circle in the Find My app. I've been using Find My for years: it either works and is correct, or else it fails and shows no location at all, but never a wrong location.
Every time stamp was live when I was watching. Guess I have my answer. Thanks everyone.

Apples n' Stone

macrumors 65816
Apr 13, 2015
Maidstone, U.K
Not seen such an awkward thread before, good luck my friend...

Hello everyone.

I'm new here and I hope someone can help me out. Is there any possible way this location on find my friends is wrong?

I've attached 2 images. This location is a hotel.

I have time stamps at this location from 2:35 AM (it shows a parking spot, the same one in the second image at 8:10 AM).
2:43 AM (the first image attached).
3:00 AM
3:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:10 AM (the parking spot again, same one from 2:35 AM when this person arrived).

What're the odds that this geolocation was wrong and that this person wasn't at a hotel from 2:35 AM -> 8:10 AM?


macrumors newbie
May 10, 2022
I don’t think it could be “wrong” for such long period of time, so I assume it’s not wrong much at all.
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