You'd probably get more/better ideas if you'd elaborate on your exact workflow / data exchange a bit more.Situations in which files are sent to/received from Windows and Linux primarily. It's obvious who's using a Mac and I'm tired of hearing from other OS users about their need to clean up after me.
defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool TRUE
Remove Mac specific stuff from archives
:download the free to use software TinkerTool and be done using the Terminal!I know about the setting for network drives, but is there an equivalent setting for local internal drives (read: Macintosh HD) as well? I'm perfectly happy with losing the ability to customize folders.
it'd be best to have a solution within the OS
zip -r zipfile directory/to/folder -x \*.DS_Store \*._\*
zipinfo zipfile | less
Thanks for the script! The unzipped folder is always the same name so I can just hardcode that.This will zip your directory and exclude the .DS_Store and the ._ files. If you are in Finder next to the title of the folder is an icon (or mouse over and it'll appear). Drag the icon onto Terminal for the "directory/to/folder" portion of the code. You can also repeat that same the process for where you want the zip file.
Bash:zip -r zipfile directory/to/folder -x \*.DS_Store \*._\*
To verify:
Bash:zipinfo zipfile | less
Yep. I recommend against absolute paths or you're going to have a messy zip file.The unzipped folder is always the same name so I can just hardcode that.
zip -d zipfile \*.DS_Store \*._\* &>/dev/null
zipinfo zipfile | grep .DS_Store #If this echoes nothing then it completed successfully.