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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 22, 2008
Riverside, CA
I don't have the skill or time to try and do it myself and I want it done. It seems like I'm missing out on so much without it.
It's really not THAT hard. Because even if you get someone else to do it, you will still not have that knowledge when the next update comes out, so will have to get someone else to help you again...

Why exactly do you want to jailbreak the phone? theming, ssh access, something else?
It's really not THAT hard. Because even if you get someone else to do it, you will still not have that knowledge when the next update comes out, so will have to get someone else to help you again...

Why exactly do you want to jailbreak the phone? theming, ssh access, something else?

All that and the apps/games that are only available for jailbroken phones.
in about 2 minutes of reading instruction plus the five minutes it takes to jailbreak I dont think it is worth it to pay someone to do it for you
no offense meant by this man, but if you cant follow a program like quickpwn which tells you what to do, mayb you shouldnt be using anything tech related at all.
What city do you live in? Surely there's a MacRumors user in your city that is willing to unnecessarily take your money to "professionally" jailbreak your phone.

I call first dibs if he lives near Bakersfield, CA.
no offense meant by this man, but if you cant follow a program like quickpwn which tells you what to do, mayb you shouldnt be using anything tech related at all.

1. I haven't tried. 2. I don't intend to waste my time doing so.

Thank you to all the people who replied with decent answers.
1. I haven't tried. 2. I don't intend to waste my time doing so.

Thank you to all the people who replied with decent answers.

If you did "try" youd be done in 10 minutes. Hardly a waste by pretty much anyones standards.
also, there is no such thing as a professional jailbreak, its 100% homebrew
1. I haven't tried. 2. I don't intend to waste my time doing so.

Thank you to all the people who replied with decent answers.

So let me get this straight, you don't have the time to do a jailbreak that takes less than 10 minutes, but you have time to post a thread on this forum and reply to the posts? Riiiiiiggggghhhhttt.
Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.
So let me get this straight, you don't have the time to do a jailbreak that takes less than 10 minutes, but you have time to post a thread on this forum and reply to the posts? Riiiiiiggggghhhhttt.

seriously. u'd rather spend time and money (gas) to have some stranger (no offense to the good ones) jailbreak your phone?

honestly, it's ridiculously easy. it TELLS U STEP BY STEP. u don't even really need to read anything outside of where to find the download. that's the beauty of the program. i'm never responding to ridiculous posts like this again....;)
You didn't need to respond in the 1st place. ;)

iDanielle I like you thought that jailbreaking my iphone was way over my head but trust me its not. Go here:

and follow the directions. Its real easy. I jailbroke both my first gen and my 3G over the weekend and its great.

PS Guide is for windows if your on a MAC you will have download version 1.1 of quickpwn for it to work.
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