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May 3, 2010
Is there ipad competitor in near future? I am just curious.

Today, I was thinking about getting an ipad. I wanted to buy it to work with, some light tasks, like logging on website, checking emails, messages...In short, it's like ebay business. I have a desktop to do all the heavy jobs like editing, gaming...The point is that the ipad price is near equals to a laptop. I really want to go with ipad because my needs fit well with ipad. It includes business, education, and entertainment. In addition, iPAD is so awesome, just slide and use. There are many good aspects of ipad that i don't have to list them all. you know all, and even more than me.

But today, i have talked with some guys in a cafe. They seem to be experts, they know much about iphone OS and android OS. They have many techie equipments so I trust them. We had a conversation about upcoming products, releases...After the cafe, I was thinking about the iPad again. I know the phone HTC Evo is on the way on june at 600$. I have looked at it on the web, it's so beautiful. Furthermore, the Android market is growing so fast. I found many familiar apps in there. I also found many tablets that are coming, like asus or so. I know they are not as good as Ipad with IP OS 4. But I believe the Android OS is really remarkable. I think for the time being, once Android app market catch up with Apple appstore in terms of quality (enough amount of important apps), it would be a battle between Android and IP OS.

I'm getting an ipad anyway but I am impressed be the android OS and the rumor of an Android tablet. I heard they are making a tablet with HTC. It would be as good as the new phone they making. I hope there is an Android tablet that can compete with the iPad. It would be wonderful because of the customizations they promise. Apple OS is a little close-system which I don't really like.I had an ipod touch and i sold it after few months or so.It was fun at first but annoying later >.<

How do you think?
Look how long the iphone has been out and how long it has taken everyone to catch up. 3 years now? My prediction is that by fall or so there will be a gazillion tablet's that are all touch screen. Android, Windows etc, etc. This is a good thing as it will keep everyone innovating. If you want a tablet NOW, there is really only one game in town.
Well, all the Windows-based tablets got canned, so the only viable competitors will be Android.

However, I do believe Apple-haters will buy the Android tablets in droves, and they will come here and troll because they have USB and Flash. :) Best be prepared for that, because it's coming.
There are Android tablets out there right now. They just aren't very good, especially going head-to-head with the iPad. Eventually, sure, but not what I'd call soon.

However, I do believe Apple-haters will buy the Android tablets in droves, and they will come here and troll because they have USB and Flash. :) Best be prepared for that, because it's coming.

I'll be seriously shocked if any Android tablet released in the next year sells a million units in 28 days.
UGGH... I'm still waiting on a phone that I consider a viable replacement for the iPhone. Hopefully it won't take the competition as long to catch up with the ipad.
Define competitor.

I would forget windows-based. Android-based maybe. Chrome-based, coming at some point, but who knows when.
I think the iPad is the only game in town. While not being perfect and none of these devices will EVER meet everyone's needs, it does what it does well with excellent battery life.

Let the other tablet makers introduce their's and lets compare.

I am no fan of Apple but have to admit that the iPad is really nice but then there is little to compete!
While there might be comparable apps on Android, I have yet to find any software on the Android platform that is better then its iPhone version.
I think the iPad will have some stiff competition within a year. The iPhone everyone was pretty much asleep at the switch because they didn't think Apple could make a serious entry into such an incumbent-strong industry.

Everyone saw the iPad coming and they're assuming success of some degree. I think this is clearly a race between Google and Apple for the next few years. Apple has a headstart as first to market and a lot of momentum with the app store. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I think though the nerds worrying about USB ports and "openness" will be on the fringe of the battle. Just depends how many of them will be developers who opt to focus on Android instead of iPhone. Consumers really don't care about this stuff, and I frankly think the masses prefer Apple's walled garden. Apple has also built a huge base of affluent customers who are willing to buy lots of apps, where the Android marketplace is driving by free. Honestly I don't see the iTunes store losing momentum.
That's just like asking mp3 player competitors. There is but apple is always num1 in phone, mp3 n tablets.
That's just like asking mp3 player competitors. There is but apple is always num1 in phone, mp3 n tablets.

I agree with you. I bought ipod, and soon an ipad. I wanted iphone but no $, hehe. Apple's products are attractive in many ways. I just have the Android thing in mind after the cafe and after seeing this

I assume their touch tablet would be as wonderful. I think Google got something done right
+ Good hardware spec
+ openness in App developing ( I haven't touch any Android phones, it is said to be cool, more freedom than IP OS. I hope it's true)
+ Faster internet speed.
+ Various connections

About the price and courier, I don't know, so i can't say. In my opinion, I believe in those experts whom I met in a cafe. One guy said that once the Android app market catch up, Apple will be in trouble. He showed me some apps on his Nexus. They are like clones on iphone apps. I think it's just the matter of time because many developers want their applications on both OS.

I will enjoy the ipad first and dreaming about Android one. Competitions always benefit consumers :)
I think the iPad will have some stiff competition within a year. The iPhone everyone was pretty much asleep at the switch because they didn't think Apple could make a serious entry into such an incumbent-strong industry.

Everyone saw the iPad coming and they're assuming success of some degree.
I didn't see it that way. When the iPad was first announced, the overwhelming sentiment on the 'net was jokes about the iPad name, lack of USB, lack of webcam, and repeated comparisons to the Newton, and claims that the iPad is the biggest flop for Apple since the Newton.

They didn't get it.

As details about how practical the iPad is going to be were released, the nay-sayers shifted gears to accusing anyone who wants an iPad of being nothing more discerning than an Apple drone.

They still didn't get it.

They then embraced "competitors" like the JooJoo, Courier, and Slate. They extolled the virtues and superiority of those yet-to-be-released devices over a device that is actually shipping. Courier and Slate are history. JooJoo is real but fell far far short.

They still didn't get it.

I see nothing tangible that tells me that they NOW get it. I see a lot of scrambling and posturing to attempt to reserve a place-holder in that consumer space to stem the growing wave of interest in the iPad.

I think this is clearly a race between Google and Apple for the next few years. Apple has a headstart as first to market and a lot of momentum with the app store. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I think though the nerds worrying about USB ports and "openness" will be on the fringe of the battle. Just depends how many of them will be developers who opt to focus on Android instead of iPhone. Consumers really don't care about this stuff, and I frankly think the masses prefer Apple's walled garden. Apple has also built a huge base of affluent customers who are willing to buy lots of apps, where the Android marketplace is driving by free. Honestly I don't see the iTunes store losing momentum.
I agree.
I didn't see it that way. When the iPad was first announced, the overwhelming sentiment on the 'net was jokes about the iPad name, lack of USB, lack of webcam, and repeated comparisons to the Newton, and claims that the iPad is the biggest flop for Apple since the Newton.

They didn't get it.

As details about how practical the iPad is going to be were released, the nay-sayers shifted gears to accusing anyone who wants an iPad of being nothing more discerning than an Apple drone.

They still didn't get it.

They then embraced "competitors" like the JooJoo, Courier, and Slate. They extolled the virtues and superiority of those yet-to-be-released devices over a device that is actually shipping. Courier and Slate are history. JooJoo is real but fell far far short.

They still didn't get it.

I see nothing tangible that tells me that they NOW get it. I see a lot of scrambling and posturing to attempt to reserve a place-holder in that consumer space to stem the growing wave of interest in the iPad.

A lot of that is superficial stuff. Everyone, meaning consumers and business, might not "get it," and frankly it's not for everyone. But some people do get it. Google does. Apparently HP does too. Microsoft still doesn't appear to even get the iPhone yet, but you can't completely ever count out Redmond.
Consumers really don't care about this stuff, and I frankly think the masses prefer Apple's walled garden.

Aren't Android-based phones now outselling iPhones?

I'm sure there are a number of ways to spin that statistic, but people being unwilling to use Android isn't one of them.

People who are either intimidated by, or contemptuous of the Apple brand are going to buy the Android tablets without even thinking about it much. That's in addition to the 'nerds', as you guys so charmingly put it. :)

I'm not saying that it'll be 'better', in fact I'm really not arguing any point or agenda at all, except that when there is a true viable iPad competitor, people are going to buy it. For a multitude of reasons. Just like they buy Android-based phones. It was easy to laugh off the Windows-based tablets, and I was among the laughing, but I think Android will be the true iPad 'alternative'. Just a matter of which MFR gets the details and price point right first.
with the 4GS just "around the corner" anyone would expect the iPhone sales to drop for now. Apple devices are expensive while Android is aiming at the masses.
A lot of that is superficial stuff. Everyone, meaning consumers and business, might not "get it," and frankly it's not for everyone. But some people do get it. Google does. Apparently HP does too. Microsoft still doesn't appear to even get the iPhone yet, but you can't completely ever count out Redmond.
Google gets it. HP doesn't... not really. They never would've announced the availability timeframe of a Win7-Slate if they did.

Microsoft doesn't get it and I'm counting them out. They managed to take a front-runner mobile OS (WinCE/PPC/WinMo) and through neglect and indifference over a decade bring it to the edge of extinction. The confusing messages of Kin, WinPho7, ZuneHD, are indications that they continue to so not get it.
I expect to see Android tablets (Archos 7 Home, for example), and eventually tablet(s) running the WebOS (palm/HP Hurricane), and if those do well even a tablet running the windows phone 7 OS (Zune-ish). Whichever one supports native printing capabilty first will get the most attention from the buying masses. JMHO
Google is probably working on one now. I know it will be a good competitor as far as specs and performance. How it sells is another story. Hopefully they learned from the Nexus One marketing FAIL (EPIC FAIL, that is).
Aren't Android-based phones now outselling iPhones?

I'm sure there are a number of ways to spin that statistic, but people being unwilling to use Android isn't one of them.

Most everyone I've encountered see Android as the iPhone for Verizon. Their tune will change when they realize it's not an iPhone (how did that spyware get on my phone?) and/or the iPhone becomes available on Verizon.

Google gets it. HP doesn't... not really. They never would've announced the availability timeframe of a Win7-Slate if they did.

HP buying WebOS suggests they get it. And that announcement was before they shifted gears to cart Palm out of the ICU.
My daughter has an hp tablet running windows xp. She hates it. But yes there is a competitor available right now from HP. It's heavy. It sucks. But it is a tablet computer. Now if HP puts webOS on the Slate, we might have a worthy competitor to iPad. If Android comes to a tablet, we might have a worthy competitor to iPad. But for now, the only competitors are large clunky tablet notebooks running some flavor of windows or Linux and they might be able to do something or other iPad can't do, but they aren't really competitive with iPad.

The most magical thing about iPad right now is its size and weight. The next thing is the user interface. There are several "non magical" things about iPad like not being able to handle files properly and the walled garden app store that requires me to jailbreak mine if I want mouse support. People don't appreciate file handling until they get a team roster in email and find they cannot detach, update, rename and resend it from their iPad. If Apple leaves the iPad as it is today, it will begin to feel the pressure this fall when devices arrive that can properly handle email attachments and file manipulation.

But I don't think Apple will sit still. They have promised us OS 4.0 "this fall" but they haven't made it clear what will be included yet. I think it's quite likely Apple will deal with iPad shortcomings in OS 4.0 to put iPad out of reach of likely competitors running webOS and Android.
But I don't think Apple will sit still. They have promised us OS 4.0 "this fall" but they haven't made it clear what will be included yet. I think it's quite likely Apple will deal with iPad shortcomings in OS 4.0 to put iPad out of reach of likely competitors running webOS and Android.

And when a credible competitor does release, it will be a version 1.0 device with all the associated shortcomings and growing pains. Just putting Android on a tablet doesn't make it a good product. Look at the Archos and Entourage Edge tablets. Neither comes close to being an iPad competitor in any real sense.

Apple will have their issues addressed by that time. I'm certain that the printing and file management issues will be figured out before a real competitor is even available.
Well, all the Windows-based tablets got canned, so the only viable competitors will be Android.

However, I do believe Apple-haters will buy the Android tablets in droves, and they will come here and troll because they have USB and Flash. :) Best be prepared for that, because it's coming.

I'm glad they canned them before April 30th, made my choice a lot easier! :D
Is there ipad competitor in near future? I am just curious.

Yep, The iPad 2. But all jokes aside if there is going to be a competitor for the iPad, It is going to have to do way more than be marketed as an "iPad killer". Look at cars do you see them billing themselves as the "BMW killer, ETC". A good device should be able to stand on it's own. Adding flash to a device is not going to bring competition to the iPad. Creating a great user experience backed by good hardware will.

My issue with the android OS on a tablet is that the SW on mobile devices is fragmented and if they wish to compete with iPad they cannot allow this to be an issue on a tablet. We know based on the history of the iPhone that iPad should be covered for at least 3 Versions of the OS or maybe even 4 versions.

No one is going to want to buy a tablet if it doesn't have some sorta of future roadmap. Granted i know it won't be supported forever , But it doesn't need to be an issue like the G1 and how the only way it can get new Android OS upgrades is to Root it and add unsupported SW to it. Geeks would love that but any successful tablet is going to need more broader appeal than just to geeks.
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